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Eau De Luxe - Bois 1920 - I Thnk its a Ripoff!


I was in search of a decant of Bois 1920 Real Patchouly for my wifemate's Christmas stocking.

Searching the web, I found an unknown site (first clue) named Eau de Luxe.

I place an order. I've received a confirmation (November 30).
And then NOTHING.

The posted phone number is out of service.
One email went unanswered.
Today's email bounced.

Looks like a bad deal. Or good intents gone south.

Has anyone encountered this place? Any input?

Fortunately I paid with a MasterCard, so tomorrow it looks like I'll dispute the charges.

Which leaves me with WHERE can I get a decant of Real Patchouly in time for Christmas?
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