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Dunhill Pipe Tobacco Replacements

Since Dunhill has callously deprived us of our daily pipes I assume a lot of blenders around have been trying to emulate/duplicate some of the famous blends, like 965, Early morning pipe, etc.

Has anyone tried any good Dunhill knock-offs? Anything they would recommend that is close to the classic Early Morning Pipe?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Damn, I used to have tons of that.

+1 on the Pease (he's even a member)
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I'd also talk to the folks at Cornell & Diehl and see what they have that suits your fancy, as they do custom blending as well as their standard extensive line. I was instantly a fan of Three Nuns but I discovered it right before it stopped being shipped to US retailers, and C&D's Three Friars is an admirable replacement at a fraction of what it would cost to get the original from Switzerland or South Africa, the only online dealers I've found who will ship the Blessed Sisters to the States.
I'd also talk to the folks at Cornell & Diehl and see what they have that suits your fancy, as they do custom blending as well as their standard extensive line. I was instantly a fan of Three Nuns but I discovered it right before it stopped being shipped to US retailers, and C&D's Three Friars is an admirable replacement at a fraction of what it would cost to get the original from Switzerland or South Africa, the only online dealers I've found who will ship the Blessed Sisters to the States.
+1. I have Dunhill tobaccos here in Italy but I just finished 4 tins from Cornell & Diehl. Their 965 Tuggley Hall is exactly like My Mixture 965 and G.L. Pease's Chelsea Morning is a good replacement for Early Morning Pipe. I also enjoyed their Burley Flake #4 and Exhausted Rooster (also a flake).
The word I got from my tobacconist yesterday was that Dunhill has a US distributor and product should be back on store shelves with in the month.
I've heard that song before, but I certainly hope it's true this time. I have a jar that once held 965 that sits empty still. I've tried many of the substitutes from C&D and others, and while many are good in their own right, they're just not the same. The only one that really hits the spot is Westminster very close to the original London mixture especially after it gets some age on it. My best advise is to let the Dunhills go and find a good English that stands on its own and appreciate it for what it is. There are some very good blends still around.


3 Oaks Syrian is my replacement for Dunhill EMP. I've heard great things about Pease's Chelsey Morning as well.
McClelland AM Pipe is really good. It had been so long since I smoked EMP when I first tried AMP that I can't really compare them, but it is good. I've just ordered their 965 clone, should be here next week. As for C&D, I hear that Stratfordshire is a good match to 965, but not exact. Hearth & Home have a few Dunhill tribute blends too...Daybreak (EMP) and one along the lines of Standard Mixture Medium or something like that. On a side note, their VAPERs are really good.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
My only complaint about GL Pease is that I keep tripping over my many cans of Bohemian Scandal.
...I have Dunhill tobaccos here in Italy but I just finished 4 tins from Cornell & Diehl. Their 965 Tuggley Hall is exactly like My Mixture 965 and G.L. Pease's Chelsea Morning is a good replacement for Early Morning Pipe...
RazoRock said:
3 Oaks Syrian is my replacement for Dunhill EMP. I've heard great things about Pease's Chelsey Morning as well.

:thumbup1: +1
Well, if you compare tobaccos looking for an exact match, it's hard to be satisfied. That being said, Chelsea Morning is in the same realm, but is awesome in it's own right.
Which things are you talking about exactly, There are many online vendors. Some who will still ship internationally. Others develop friendships with like minded individuals from around the globe, and as good friends are wont to do, they exchange gifts.
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