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Drug Store Favorites

I am feeling a little ole school this morning what are some of your oles school Drug store favorites. Say Pre 1984.

Here's mine in no particular order.

Jade East
English Leather
British Sterling
Old Spice
Aqua Velva Blue, Green , Yellow and Musk.
Electric Shave
Skin Braser

How about your favorites from the past.
I saw British Sterling in Wally World the other day. I hadn't seen it anywhere in a long time. I couldn't believe how much they wanted for it! :eek: I liked it when I was a teen, but haven't used it in a long time...at that price, I didn't even bother to smell it to see if I still liked it!

I like the Shulton's Old Spice and am now a proud owner of Ivy Club Spice.

I liked English Leather when I was a teen, but now I find I don't care for it anymore.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I used Brut in the seventies and my dad always had a bottle of Old Spice in the medicine cabinet.
I'm with you on the list so far and would add:

Blue Stratos (I seem to recall an aftershave, right?)
and, I'm surprised it was not mentioned....
CANOE! (prob my all time fave ds fragrance, both aftershave and cologne)
I am a Clubman fan myself. I am not sure why as neither my father or grandfather used it. Actually, it is probably my overall favorite aftershave, regardless of price.
My dad was an Old Spice guy.

I recall my older brothers using Brut.

From the first post:

Jade East -No clue what it is
Brut - Haven't tried
English Leather - Just tried it...I was hoping for more leather and less soap
British Sterling - Haven't tried it, but I remember the ads
Old Spice - I love this stuff, prefer the Shulton to the new
Aqua Velva Blue, Green , Yellow and Musk. - I love the Blue. Haven't tried the others
Electric Shave - I don't electric shave anymore. :rolleyes: I remember the great two word jingle, however
Skin Bracer - Can't recall having tried this
Clubman - Another one I haven't tried
Jeris - nope, haven't tried

In the same category, I have used and like Afta as a balm, but I'm not crazy about the scent, even though I don't actively dislike it.
I'm with you on the list so far and would add:

Blue Stratos (I seem to recall an aftershave, right?)
and, I'm surprised it was not mentioned....
CANOE! (prob my all time fave ds fragrance, both aftershave and cologne)

Yep, there were a couple of different Blue Stratos aftershaves. There was a regular and a low alcohol version that I know of. There may have been more.
I'm with you on the list so far and would add:

Blue Stratos (I seem to recall an aftershave, right?)
and, I'm surprised it was not mentioned....
CANOE! (prob my all time fave ds fragrance, both aftershave and cologne)

I used to get Canoe at Dillards or J.C. Penny's when I was in College and Grad school. It was one of 2 high priced scents I bought along with Polo.

My now in my 4 decade I love using the Old stuff once again as I did as a Teen and as Child.
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I've recently gone on a classic after shave kick. It's amazing what one can find locally if one is willing to beat the bushes and flush things out.

What I've found---Mandom and Shiseido Bravas at my local Mitsuwa Japanese market. I live near San Jose, CA and we have one of the last Japantowns in America and a good number of Japanese markets to match. Bravas and Mandom are readily available---as convenient to pick up as Old Spice. I did notice that these two classics were on the bottom shelf and covered in dust---obviously neglected. Oddly though an old Japanese lady picked up a bottle of Bravas immediately after I did. Cost was $10 and $20 respectively. This store also carries Lucido aftershave (clear glass bottle, unscented) and Gatsby after shave water (blue plastic bottle, mild scent). I passed on the former and the latter as I like strong lingering scents. I also saw the Mandom hair tonic which I considered trying as I like the idea of my hair having a slightly wet look with flexible hold. Ultimately I passed as I hear hair tonic is fairly greasy and should be washed out before bed---not an option as I shower before work in the morn'.

I also stopped at Sally's Beauty supply and found the large bottles of Pinaud Clubman and Master's Bay Rum. I passed on both as I already have a small bottle of Clubman but when that runs out I will get the big one. Also passed on the Master's as it is just too big for me considering that I may not like it. While I was here I did pick up a styptic pencil and the girl who was working applied the Sally's club card discount despite the fact that I don't have one.

Walmart had the big bottles of Aqua Velva and the Persona blades in the neat dispenser. Grabbed both.

Safeway supermarket had Aqua Velva Ice Sport. Shame the bottle is so small as this stuff is really refreshing. Also had Afta which I passed on.

Rite-Aid carries Skin Bracer, Aqua Velva musk and Clubman in the small bottle. Grabbed all three and loved them thrice.

Still trying to find Barbasol aftershave in the green and orange varieties. Also going to check the Nijiya Japanese market and see if they have MG5, Eroica and Valcan after shaves. If anyone has a lead on these in the South Bay Area please give me shout.
That is not a kick, you have a disorder! :lol:

LOL I know. I was trying to avoid this. Other members warned me this would happen. I got into this to save money but now I am spending more. Fortunately after being laid off for 9 months I finally found a great job and I can go as crazy as I please---being that I am young and single with limited financial responsibilities.
LOL I know. I was trying to avoid this. Other members warned me this would happen. I got into this to save money but now I am spending more. Fortunately after being laid off for 9 months I finally found a great job and I can go as crazy as I please---being that I am young and single with limited financial responsibilities.

LOL, if I had more money, my disorder would be running at break neck speed! I think I would fall into all of the ADs if I could afford it! :biggrin:
I've recently gone on a classic after shave kick. It's amazing what one can find locally if one is willing to beat the bushes and flush things out.

What I've found---Mandom and Shiseido Bravas at my local Mitsuwa Japanese market. I live near San Jose, CA and we have one of the last Japantowns in America and a good number of Japanese markets to match. Bravas and Mandom are readily available---as convenient to pick up as Old Spice. I did notice that these two classics were on the bottom shelf and covered in dust---obviously neglected. Oddly though an old Japanese lady picked up a bottle of Bravas immediately after I did. Cost was $10 and $20 respectively. This store also carries Lucido aftershave (clear glass bottle, unscented) and Gatsby after shave water (blue plastic bottle, mild scent). I passed on the former and the latter as I like strong lingering scents. I also saw the Mandom hair tonic which I considered trying as I like the idea of my hair having a slightly wet look with flexible hold. Ultimately I passed as I hear hair tonic is fairly greasy and should be washed out before bed---not an option as I shower before work in the morn'.

I also stopped at Sally's Beauty supply and found the large bottles of Pinaud Clubman and Master's Bay Rum. I passed on both as I already have a small bottle of Clubman but when that runs out I will get the big one. Also passed on the Master's as it is just too big for me considering that I may not like it. While I was here I did pick up a styptic pencil and the girl who was working applied the Sally's club card discount despite the fact that I don't have one.

Walmart had the big bottles of Aqua Velva and the Persona blades in the neat dispenser. Grabbed both.

Safeway supermarket had Aqua Velva Ice Sport. Shame the bottle is so small as this stuff is really refreshing. Also had Afta which I passed on.

Rite-Aid carries Skin Bracer, Aqua Velva musk and Clubman in the small bottle. Grabbed all three and loved them thrice.

Still trying to find Barbasol aftershave in the green and orange varieties. Also going to check the Nijiya Japanese market and see if they have MG5, Eroica and Valcan after shaves. If anyone has a lead on these in the South Bay Area please give me shout.

See if you can find a Family Dollar or Dollar General Store in your area.
See if you can find a Family Dollar or Dollar General Store in your area.

I've searched and neither store has any presence here on the west coast. Not yet discouraged I tried the dollar stores that are present in my area and they had no after shave to speak of. Did find a big old bottle of Laboratorios del Pueblo Florida Water at a Mexican grocer which I don't like one bit. I may end up offering that for trade in the BST for a couple bottles of Barbasol AS.
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