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Dropped DE blade on the floor.

Hey guys. I dropped a Feather blade I had used one time on my tile floor today. Could this have damaged the edge? Should I try using it or just replace it? Not sure how fragile these things are.

Rinse it off and give it a try.
It's pretty light, so any damage would depend on the angle.

It might be okay, or it might be toast.
Use it, and if it doesn't work, you know that for the next time ... but probably it's still perfectly fine.

Or toss it, if that feels better for you ... blades are inexpensive. It's up to you :001_smile
Use it, after a couple of strokes on each side you should be able to tell if you can carry on or replace it. Damaging your face sounds over dramatic.


Needs milk and a bidet!
It's likely fine.

I'd rinse and use. Unless your bathroom is a public bathroom and you don't clean often.....then I'd pitch it.
When in doubt, toss. I've been known to toss blades for dinging the razor on the faucet even when I know it wasn't remotely close to the blade.
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