I have a B&M that carries the soap and the AS...I am now very tempted to drop money I don't have on this stuff. I suppose if I were to ask "Is it worth it" here, I would get a resounding "yes." So let me clarify: I am saving my fancy-AS-money for when Superlather gets Alt Innsbruck back in stock. Should I blow it on the harris marlborough AS, or hold off for the Innsbruck? (I know they are not similar scents, but both intrigue me)
however, with jordan & winn perry in town, you and I have the luxury of getting a feel for the scents before we have to commit!
Mmm, that's interesting. I did the same but was told there was a sale's representative in Australia. The above conversation was with the sale's rep... I guess I will have to do another soap split down under with a few Dr. Harris pucks!