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Down to Two Brands of Blades

I am going to simplify my life and start stocking only two brands of blades; Gillette 7 O' Clock Sharp yellow pack and Feathers. These are my favorites, why use anything else?? :thumbup1:
I am going to simplify my life and start stocking only two brands of blades; Gillette 7 O' Clock Sharp yellow pack and Feathers. These are my favorites, why use anything else?? :thumbup1:

Super Iridiums, Red Pack Personnas, Crystals,Kai(unless you have already been through them).

Two is too few. Just as I've come to favor 4 razors, I've settled on 4 blades as favorites: Derby, Merkur, Reds and Yellows. The various combos keep shaves interesting.
I am going to simplify my life and start stocking only two brands of blades; Gillette 7 O' Clock Sharp yellow pack and Feathers. These are my favorites, why use anything else?? :thumbup1:
I like feathers myself. How is Gillette 7 O'Clock compares to it? I haven't tried those.


The wife's investment
Sounds like you have narrowed it down well. Blades are one thing I prefer NOT to have a lot of variety in.
Swedes, Iridiums, 7 O'Clock Yellows...no need to putz around with any blade that I'm going to get less than four stellar shaves out of.
My blade of choice is blue bird but I do think it good to have at least one or two other blades that you know work well for you in case they stop making the blade that has come to be your favorite. If blue birds are stopped tomorrow I know that I also enjoy Iridiums, yellows, atras, and gillette super thins. Maybe I am being paranoid but with all of the people burned by the cancellation of the swedes I figure you should have backups.
I am going to simplify my life and start stocking only two brands of blades; Gillette 7 O' Clock Sharp yellow pack and Feathers. These are my favorites, why use anything else?? :thumbup1:

i agree, no need to have a bunch of blades after you have sampled plenty and know which ones you like...i myself just settled on Astra Platinums and Sharks. still have to try some feathers one day soon
I ordered a 100 pk of Iridiums after getting the best shaves yet for me; so, I have been very happy with just the one. OK, I really needed only to try one more, so I just ordered some Feathers........
I had settled on the same two blades(feathers and yellows), but then I had an impulse buy and bought the 7 O'Clock greens and blacks to try them out.
Of course when it comes to razors; I keep it down to a mere 7 in the rotation and 5 that are just collectors. That leaves 2 I need to sell ...
the chrome sharks are smoother than the stainless ones

back on topic now...:001_rolle

i too have narrowed down to two: Shark Chromes and Astra Superior Plat.

maybe not the sharpest, but by far the smoothest IMO
the chrome sharks are smoother than the stainless ones

back on topic now...:001_rolle

i too have narrowed down to two: Shark Chromes and Astra Superior Plat.

maybe not the sharpest, but by far the smoothest IMO

How's this for YMMV, I think the Stainless are smoother than the Chrome.:confused1
I spent a couple of years trying to figure out the blade thing and about every 6 months or so try 3 or 4 more. Its always been and still is a Feather for my slant. buttt, IPs ruled, then a tie between Iridiums/yellows,(7O'Clock) but Then I tried Astras and there fine. Sharp enough, forgiving enough, cheap enough-$15/100 and smooth so there it for now
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