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Down to 3 brands.

Ive got Derby's and Astra's and keep leaning toward the Astra's because they feel like they cut smoother and cleaner. I bought a 100 pack of both to work them over but I think as my normal everyday blade Im going to go with the Astra's. A few weeks ago when getting a bad shave from the Derby's I ordered in a hundred pack of Feathers.

Nothing shaves as close as a Feather but man are they $$$ and very easy to get a cut with using them as an everyday blade. With 4 razors that all shave so similar its not funny I can slip in a Feather; use it once and let it sit awhile. Its not going to turn dull by just sitting.
Astras are my everyday blade as well but I also have some Personna labs, Feathers, and Gillette blacks in reserve.
Meh...blades are the easy part...I've got Lords, Sharks, Dorco's, Gillettes, Astras, Bluebirds, Derby...etc....lol. Astra's are my go to in my Merkur 1904 OC which is my best blade/razor combo in my arsenal. It's fun to play sometimes though!
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