Ive got Derby's and Astra's and keep leaning toward the Astra's because they feel like they cut smoother and cleaner. I bought a 100 pack of both to work them over but I think as my normal everyday blade Im going to go with the Astra's. A few weeks ago when getting a bad shave from the Derby's I ordered in a hundred pack of Feathers.
Nothing shaves as close as a Feather but man are they $$$ and very easy to get a cut with using them as an everyday blade. With 4 razors that all shave so similar its not funny I can slip in a Feather; use it once and let it sit awhile. Its not going to turn dull by just sitting.
Nothing shaves as close as a Feather but man are they $$$ and very easy to get a cut with using them as an everyday blade. With 4 razors that all shave so similar its not funny I can slip in a Feather; use it once and let it sit awhile. Its not going to turn dull by just sitting.