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Dorco single edge blade ? for a Gem Razor

Very tempting. I might just try some of these out. Heck, they can't be any worse than the hardware blades I tried from Lowe's:lol:
I tried some SE blades that I bought from the shaving section at my local 99 cent store. I believe they were DORCO mfg. although I don't have conclusive proof. They were a little rough, so I only tried one blade once, and then relegated the remainder for use in utility knife.

Good Morning,

I would like to post the answer to this question. This is from someone who tried these blades but I am no expert in single edge razors.

I loaded it on a Gem that I got from another member in another forum. I guess it was my technique but I wasn't able to get a good shave. The blade is not sharp. Overall, it was ok.

On a quick note, I had a shave with the same razor and loaded a GEM Blade. I had the same result, but these blades are sharper. I so used to the angle of my Weishi that I am not used to this new Razor. I had to redo the shave with the weishi on both shaves.

I hope that this experience helps and informs you. * Remember, I am not a single edge shaver myself.

Take care,

I recently reduced the cost, it was about 3 ~ 4 dollars higher. Always giving great prices ;). Price is just about right now!

I would suggest getting the 10pc first then if you like get the 100pcs.

Dark - do you know if the Dorco SE blades are intended for shaving or for scraper use?

I tried to shave with a scraper blade once...
Honestly Speaking, these blades have been around for a long long time. I am not sure if they were really for scrapers or shaving.

These have been very popular outside the US, for that same reason I carry them. My experience is that maybe not for shaving! But I am no expert on single edge blades.

Hope this helps!

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