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dont quite know what to say about this one.

I've been known to pick up some rust buckets,, but I'd have to say I'd pass this one by. I could possibly push it as far as turning it into a nicely polished toothpick.
Although the scales might be nice if it were free.
hmmm, why does this auction remind me of Christopher Walken's dialogue in Pulp Fiction while presenting Bruce Willis with his father's watch?
I was at an antique store on Friday and was looking at a razor in similar condition. It had plain black plastic scales, and he also wanted $25?!?!
Seraphim could probably hone that down into a functional 1/8 for getting into those pesky areas under the nose.

Sadly, the scales are the only thing worth having, and if that is cel rot, then not even that.
I dunno guys....I *did* shave with this one:


of course, I had to breadknife it...not sure that the one on ebay would survive. ;D

(cleaned house the other day and tossed that razor in the can, BTW).
But the listing also says


It may come to color deviation due to monitor calibration.

so maybe it just looks bad?
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