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Don't Postpone Your Aspirations

One thing I have learned from this Gun Ban hysteria; don't put off realizing your dreams or aspirations. For example, we might keep saying day in and day out, "Yeah, I'll get the AR15 one day ... ". And time passes, and we take the kids to and from practice, and the kids grow up and move out, and we get older, greyer, balder, and more out of shape. And then one day, we realize it's too late. Gone. :scared: Our life has just passed us by.

And this is not just guns per se. Could be any of a number of things. Don't put off living your dreams; whatever they may be. One day, for any number of reasons, it will be too late.

Since this the Shooting Sports and Firearms thread, I'll conclude by saying go out buy a bunch of guns!! :thumbup:
One of my other hobbies has a lot of products that are limited production runs. When the manufacturer produces something that you will someday have a need for you need to get it NOW as it will likely not be available a few years from now. Although the forces at work are different for shooting sports and firearms, it's safe to say that we can't really depend on product availability improving over time from what it is now.
I agree 100 percent.

Now that things AR-related are starting to show up in stock again, it's time to buy. Wandered into the ammo section of the Walmart last week and saw both .223 and 9mm in stock and at decent prices. Still have to deal with the 3-box limit, but grabbed the maximum allowable that evening and went back the next morning for more.

Given the terrible tragedy in D.C. this morning, anti-gun pressures will intensify again. Best to grab what you need while it's still in stock.
As the shortages have dragged on I have been concerned that product availability wasn't going to get back to normal before the next big event. Despite the shortages I have done my best to stock up on consumables for at least the next year if not two years.
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