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Don’t Fear the Open Comb

I have been lurking here several years but after today’s shave I had to post my experience with my open comb Gillette New. I have read many post about the aggressiveness of open comb razors and how it should be reserved for experienced shavers. I owned an opencomb for about 6 years but kept it in a drawer for fear of a blood bath.

As circumstances precluded me from shaving for 3 days I awoke with a pretty good growth going on my face and was trying to decide on my shaving tools. I normally shave everyday so this would be a challenge, at least for me, to get a good shave. Looking at my razor collection I remembered the posts about how good open combs are at removing multi day beards. I decided what the heck at worse I would look like I was in a slap fight with Edward Scissor Hands.

I nervously loaded an Aster SP, leathered with some sandalwood cream that I had gotten from Giovanni years ago, and went to work.

First pass WTG no blood, no irritation. Second pass XTG again no blood no irritation. Third pass ATG and to my surprise no blood, no weepers and no irritation. I didn’t even need a fourth pass or touch-up. To my great surprise it was the closest and smoothest shave I have ever had. The real test the aftershave splash nothing no sting. Without a doubt the best shave I can remember.

Moral of the story if you have an open comb use it. If you are thinking about getting one do it and use it. You won’t be disappointed or a bloody mess.
While I enjoy most of the open combs that I use, some are more blood thirsty than others. Glad you finally tried it and congrats on your second post. Don't rush into things much?
This is only your second post since 2008? Both quality posts, mind you - well done!

The NEW was one of the best Gillette ever made.

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Moral of the story if you have an open comb use it. If you are thinking about getting one do it and use it. You won’t be disappointed or a bloody mess.

Couldn't agree more. Initially, I thought myself an unlikely candidate for the "terror" of OCs so began with the usual suspects in the mild lineup - 40'S SS, EJ89, etc. then the so-called collecting bug bit and I found myself with all these beautiful open combs - now my favorite shaves are with a 1911 ABC Old, 1916 OC Aristo, and the bar-handled LC NEW,. So here is another old guy, who says give it a shot :001_cool:
The TTO Gillette open combs (#15, Senator/Sheraton, 30's American Aristocrats) offer a smoother but equally effective shave compared to the standard NEW's. However, each head has a little something to offer. The NEW Deluxe heads (flat-bottom like what mblake showed) are probably the most aggressive OC's from Gillette. The short-comb and long-comb NEW's get a lot of love for good reason, properly wielded, they offer a superbly close shave. Then you have your English cousins like the #77/88 and other 3 piece varieties that offer different flavors. A lot to choose from for the guys who like something with a little bite and others that prefer smooth sailing all the way!
I've been wanting a NEW since I started checking out the old Gillettes on here. But, the first open comb for me is going to be the Merkur 15. I think it shall be easier to find and probably cheaper.
I have used an old type and the Mekur 11C, the Gillette didn't work well for me, the 11C was a little aggressive, but a nice shaver! Loking for a new of course!
I had OC fear too, until I bought a Gillette Old Type because I liked the look of it. My first shave I was quite nervous in case it tried to eat me, but no! I was rewarded with a very close shave and no blood. It did lead to me ordering a Tradere OC though, so beware the OC RAD...
I did my 1st open comb w/ a NEW LC. After that 1st shave, I never again had the paramedics standing by. A truly smooth shave and still had my nose intact at the finish!:biggrin1:
My first OC was the Merkur 1904 which is quite mild. I then got the Merkur 11C which is my favorite OC now. I also have the R41 which while very aggressive does have its place in my rotation. I'll agree, the OC is not to be feared, but used with a light touch.
I find my NEW SC to be as gentle, but more effective, as my EJ DE87. My initial fear of an open comb was how mean they look. I mean, bared teeth an all. :scared:
I don't fear the open comb but it leaves me weeping every time I used ones over the years until I got fed up and PIFed them. Closed Comb only for me.

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I've been wanting a NEW since I started checking out the old Gillettes on here. But, the first open comb for me is going to be the Merkur 15. I think it shall be easier to find and probably cheaper.

Easier to find, maybe, but I got my bar-handled long comb NEW (gold plated) for six bucks in an antique store.
Easier to find, maybe, but I got my bar-handled long comb NEW (gold plated) for six bucks in an antique store.

Yeah. My local anitque store has some good deals. I gave $5 for my NEW and $4.50 each for flare tips. They have a couple Gem Jr.'s now at $4.50 each im thinking about grabbing.
Since I got (and learned how to use) my Fatip, my EJ is rarely touched. It is my Fatip or 1912, weird alternatives, but iyamwhatiyam!
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