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Dominica Lime Bay Rum

Hoping there are a few folks here who can give me a review of this product. Very interested in giving it a go, but am wondering if I should bother. Like it or lump it? And if you like it, what soap/cream do you use in combo with it?
I love it! I think it is a very refreshing scent with a nice Bay Rum undertone. Now, I have to admit I am a big Bay Rum fan so I'm partial anyway. But it is one of my favorite BR's.

I usually pair it with GFT Lime shaving cream or Castle Forbes Lime shaving cream. Outstanding combo's, IMO.
Hoping there are a few folks here who can give me a review of this product. Very interested in giving it a go, but am wondering if I should bother. Like it or lump it? And if you like it, what soap/cream do you use in combo with it?

Love it!

It's an alcohol-based splash containing bay & lime EOs. I don't think there's anything else. So if the shave's been a little rough, you'll feel it. Oh yes, you will. :scared: I also tend to use this stuff on hot days as a body splash after showering.

It smells great. The only downside is the smell doesn't last that long.

As to what soap/cream to use? Something citrusy would work. Something w/Bay Rum would (obviously) work. I've also found that rose soaps followed by Bay Rum is a great combo -- or a rose scent to follow your bay rum AS.

Basically, whatever feels right to you -- IS right. Go for it! :w00t:
I love it, but it sure lets you know when you've had a tough shave. I think I've let some whoops out when splashing it on after I've done a number on myself. If you don't like the prospect of alcohol burn, don't buy this.

I like to pair it up with either a Bay Rum soap or something like Cella. It even works when I use my Arko stick since that scent doesn't linger.
Love Dominica Bay Rum and Lime, it's my go to AS with Mitchell's Wool Fat, like the others experiences, if you had a rough shave, you will feel it. I too wish the scent lasted longer but that's my only complaint.
I'm glad you asked this question. I have the straight Bay Rum from Dominica and love it. I think I'm going to try the Lime version now after reading this thread.
Hoping there are a few folks here who can give me a review of this product. Very interested in giving it a go, but am wondering if I should bother. Like it or lump it? And if you like it, what soap/cream do you use in combo with it?

I like it; there are very few bay rum products I don't like. I use it w/ Ogallala's Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorns or Bay Rum & Lemon Grass soap. I also use it with T&H's West Indian Limes.
Just finished up a bottle of Dominica Bay Rum and will be placing an order for Bay Rum with Lime just in time for spring/summer. It's true that the smell doesn't last that long, but while it does, it smells great.
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