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Dogs <face palm!>


Who has dogs here? They're a wonderful joy and great companions...when they're not raising Hell, that is.

So, I got off of work at 6:00pm (good day at work) and thought "Hey! I'm feeling pretty good. Why not stop off at the gym for a swim and a soak in the jacuzzi?" Well, apparently this allowed the pups (a vizsla and a weimaraner...I know, we're not right in the head) enough time to break down the doggy gate, go upstairs, eat a bar of soap in the bathroom, then fall asleep on our bed. :huh:

Fortunately, my wife is a veterinary technician at an animal emergency clinic...a few pieces of bread and some immodideen (sp?) later and they should be good to go.

Damn dogs...gotta love 'em.
yep, dogs can be a great joy but they can also be a menace. our dog is 12 yrs old but he acts like a pup. 99&#37; of the time I enjoy our dog's company and looking forward to being with him but there are times when he's absolutely out of control and needs to chill out. luckily, our dog doesn't eat soap but he does eat the occasional object on the floor, like maybe a gum wrapper or some crumb of food. the only thing he consistently does is puke on our carpet. it's disgusting but it sometimes it can't be helped
My dogs have gotten into all sorts of things from supplements to glass Christmas ornaments.

We have a border collie and two greyhounds so our house stays pretty interesting...

One of the greys is a foster so they come and go so I only included pics of our border collie and personal grey. Click the photo for a larger view.

My dog growing up was great. But had very bad habits we couldn't break. It loved to eat cat poop out of the cats litter boxes. And for some reason loved to eat Kleenex???(gross). Overall she was a pretty good dog and excellent companion.
I'm listening to the sounds of my dog dream-barking and emitting gasses behind me right now. He's an 8 year old 95 pound lap dog, half Rott half German Shepherd...he's a good dog, good with people and kids, friendly, loving, but also an unpredictable idiot.
My family has had miniature Dachshunds since I was around five years old. Our first, a female named Nutmeg lived to the ripe old age of 19. She was a great family companion, who was very loving with friends and family. At one point my parents had three at one time, the youngest of the bunch (now 10) is a black and tan male named Max. Max is small by Mini-Dachshund standards, but we are convinced that he believes himself to be a Doberman, Rottweiler, or Great Dane. He is quite the character, and we have a bunch of stories of his silly behavior and penchant for getting into things he isn't supposed to.

For some reason Max seems to save his worst behavior for December and Christmas. At this last family get together we were all laughing to tears, as we recounted some of his holiday gems. One of the favorites is when my mom had a small display of Santas on her stair landing, for about five days when I came home from work the largest of the Santas was mysteriously moving down the stairs, then to the hall, laundry room, garage, and eventually out the exterior dog door and into the backyard!

Considering that this particular Santa was about four times Max's size at the time it was quite a feat for him to get him out the dog door. Turns out Max was abducting Santa in the few minutes before my mom left for work and she never noticed. :lol:
My dog growing up was great. But had very bad habits we couldn't break. It loved to eat cat poop out of the cats litter boxes. And for some reason loved to eat Kleenex???(gross). Overall she was a pretty good dog and excellent companion.

our dog loves to eat rabbit poop for some reason :blink:

Who has dogs here? They're a wonderful joy and great companions...when they're not raising Hell, that is.

So, I got off of work at 6:00pm (good day at work) and thought "Hey! I'm feeling pretty good. Why not stop off at the gym for a swim and a soak in the jacuzzi?" Well, apparently this allowed the pups (a vizsla and a weimaraner...I know, we're not right in the head) enough time to break down the doggy gate, go upstairs, eat a bar of soap in the bathroom, then fall asleep on our bed. :huh:

Fortunately, my wife is a veterinary technician at an animal emergency clinic...a few pieces of bread and some immodideen (sp?) later and they should be good to go.

Damn dogs...gotta love 'em.

<shrug> So long as it wasn't shave soap....

Lynch: Uh, honey? Bad news. I've had to put the dog down. Yeah, he ate the last puck of Pen's English Fern tallow.

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The only thing my dog eats that I find strange is butter. He has eaten entire sticks of butter.
I have 2 dogs. One is a pound mutt that we think is a jack russell/poodle mix (Mila) and the other is a jack russell/toy fox terrier mix (Foxy). Mila has an obsession with chewing on underwear. She doesnt chew holes in it, but there have been several times I have found her laying on the floor with my wife's unmentionables in her mouth. Foxy (the little one as she as affectionately known) likes to eat stuffing of any kind. She has torn 3 holes in the couch cousins and pillows, and ate whatever stuffing she could get out before getting caught. She also has a thing for cotton balls and toilet paper cardboard rolls. She wont go for the paper itself, but she will dig the empty rolls, and cotton balls, out of the trash can. She will end up throwing most of it up. There have been times where she would come up and start giving kisses, and it smells like finger nail polish remover. Somehow, aside from throwing it up, it has not had a negative effect on her health.

The 2nd pic is by far my favorite. Foxy was just a wee tiny puppy (maybe a couple of months old), but by golly she wanted that toy. lol
I have three dogs - A black lab , a yellow lab , and a sheperd /chow/retriever mix. I love them and I could never imagine my life without dogs.
my wife's friend was over this morning with her two infant boys. sadly, our dog scared the living bejeezus out of them and we had to confine him to the bedroom. he barked non-stop for 2 hrs
Our 7-month old puppy loves to take out the liners of shoes. She also has something against things on wheels. The vaccuum cleaner is her greatest enemy inside, but she really goes wild after the recycling and garbage bins that are wheeled. She goes after brooms, mops, and shovels too, but she isn't enraged by them like she is by the wheeled objects.
Our 7-month old puppy loves to take out the liners of shoes. She also has something against things on wheels. The vaccuum cleaner is her greatest enemy inside, but she really goes wild after the recycling and garbage bins that are wheeled. She goes after brooms, mops, and shovels too, but she isn't enraged by them like she is by the wheeled objects.

stephen hawking better not come to your place for dinner :lol:
Gotta love a good dog.
Here's one of mine.

Nice badger hound, I have one myself, plus two yellow labs, and currently a litter of 10 yellow lab puppies. Dang neighbors dog, I spend 3 grand on a fence to keep mine refined to our property and their little S.O.B. digs under it and gives us bundles of joy to contend with, at least he's a registered yellow lab himself. Anyone in the central Oklahoma area interested in a free lab?:wink2:
My own B&B as in Buford and Bella. Buford is my male black and tan. Bella is my female jet black.

Buford once ate some bakers chocolate. Yes, very bad for dogs. After a frantic call to the vet, I was informed that I needed to induce him to vomit. This consisted of shooting hydrogen peroxide down his throat, with a turkey baster until he threw up. Now, Buford trusts me to do anything to him but, just imagine trying to give a 96 pound dog a second dose of something he did not like at all. I did get another dose administered, he did vomit, no ill effects. Dumb damn dogs. However I would not trade either of them for anyhting.
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