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Does RSC cream irritate your skin?


I've had a tube of RSC "Moisturizing" shave cream for a while, and every time I shave with it I feel like the shave was a little too close. There's always this slight burning feeling that lingers afterward throughout the day.
I always chalked it up to poor technique or trying to squeeze one too many shaves out of a blade, but the other day I noticed it was starting to give me that burn before I'd even started shaving! I was just standing there with lather on my face, getting my gear ready for my "shave of the day" pic, and I felt it. To make extra sure, I lathered up after a shower tonight even though I won't shave until tomorrow morning, and sure enough that "heat" was there.

Bummer, because this cream lathers quite easily, smells pretty good, and is available locally for really cheap. It just doesn't get along with my skin apparently.
I'll probably hang on to my aftershave of theirs, as that seems to work well for me.

Have any of you had skin irritation issues with RSC?
I've not had any problems with Real Shave Co. Moisturizing cream irritating my skin.

As this is your second post I may presume that you are very new at wet shaving, I'll offer a hypothesis. If you're skin is a little raw with razor burn, it may be more sensitive to the fragrance oils in the RSC. When I was starting out I was using C.O. Bigelow creams, which sometimes when combined with too hot of a pre-shave would irritate my over-shaved (read razor burned) face.

At the time I switched to Van Der Hagen Deluxe shave soap, which seemed much more forgiving to my face until I learned to back off on pressure and focus on beard mapping and maintaining a good angle between my face and the razor/blade combination.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
This is actually my 651st post. "2" is my image count, haha.
But yes, I suppose it could be the fragrance oils. My face doesn't seem to play nicely with bay rum, either (at least Ogallala original), which is unfortunate because I like that scent.
Thanks for the reply.
Try using a little less. Heresy I know, but some creams will irritate my skin if I go overboard and load too much. But I can use those same creams without a problem as long as I am careful to use just enough.
I can't use ToBS sandalwood cream, even just applying it with my brush makes the brush feel like its made from hedgehog and not badger. Once its on my face it just starts burning until I wash it off, I don't even get to shave with it. I really like the smell though.
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