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Does GFT soap produce better lather than their cream?

I got a GFT sampler pack of their creams. I absolutely love their violet scent. The problem is I'm not too fond of their lather quality. The creams don't produce slickness and dissipate quickly in my opinion. I'm wondering if people have gotten better results with their soaps. If that's the case, I'll order the violet soap. I can't find any other companies that sell violet shaving cream/soap, but if you know of others please share. Thanks!
No, definitely not. Current Geo F. Trumper soaps are inferior to their creams. I've tried their coconut soap and it's useable but mediocre. Their coconut shaving cream, on the other hand, is an excellent cream.
Wondering if you are using enough of the cream? Most common remark about GFT violet is that it causes burning to some that are sensitive to it. I have some, which I use rarely, and have had no problem with lack of slickness or drying. But, admittedly, my tube is several years old; perhaps things have changed.
I would say that their creams are better than their soaps. I would also say that their samples dont do the cream justice. If you like the scent get yourself a tube or tub and you'll get a different experience.


B&B's Man in Italy
Trumpers best products are the creams. The soaps are just OK, but nothing special IMHO.
Thanks for the info guys. I'll keep working through the GFT sampler to try and produce a better lather. I may just not have the right strategy for lathering with that particular cream. I'll definitely be looking into razorock, I've heard nothing but good things about their soap.
Yeah, that's a big, fat negative. I'm still in mourning over my bowl of Eucris soap. Such a unique and interesting scent.... but performance is lousy. :thumbdown

Unusual to have problems lathering GFT. I get an amazing lather - great cushion, very slick. I'd suggest you persist - if in doubt use more product !
I like to make a super lather with GFT violet soap and violet cream. Smells so nice.

Although, my go to shaving soap right now is D.R Harris Windsor. Absolutely love it!!
Good news, with a change in my technique I managed to make an excellent lather with the GFT violet sample cream. The problem was that I wasn't painting it on my face good enough; I've come to realize there really is an art to painting the lather after you've made it. I also got the Razorock violet but wanted to warn people that the smell is terrible compared to the GFT violet cream even though the lather quality is still excellent. I will definitely be ordering the GFT violet cream now.
Interesting. I found the coconut soap to be a mediocre performer at best, so I never even bothered to try using a violet cream sample that I had. Perhaps I should give it a shot.
Trumper's soaps used to be top quality, but after the most current reformulation the current soaps are nearly useless. They are almost impossible to lather properly, and when they produce any lather at all it tends to be thin and dissipates almost instantly. Their creams are going downhill too, the scents are getting lighter and lighter and are becoming almost unrecognizable, as I discovered tonight when my new tube of sandalwood arrived. The scent is a pale comparison to what it used to be just two years ago. Don't even get me started on what Trumper has done to their violets cream.
I've tried somewhere in the range of 50 soaps. The worst one ever was the blue bowl wilkinson soap, but let me assure you, GFT is not far behind. It's easier to get a decent lather from modern williams than from a GFT soap.

When I was tempted to weep, I recalled how many other good products are out there, and continue to be released. A business that doesn't care about the quality of their products shouldn't be making any. And based on how things are going, I can't see GFT doing that for much longer.
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