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Does anyone modify their cutting forms depending on the razor they are using?

I was in the middle of my ATG pass today and I noticed that I had to, as the title states, modify my cutting forms to accommodate the bulkier head of my futur. To get a close shave on some tricky parts of my neck I actually shave diagonally instead of the ATG pass. Think of it as a pass where the blade approaches the whiskers half way between WTG and ATG, essentially at a 45 degree angle as opposed to the 90 degree perpendicular angle of the ATG pass.

Does anyone else have to modify their usual passes to assist the razor in it's usual duties?
I do this constantly, and have been forever. Recently, just to be able to talk about it, I started calling it a combination of grain and method shaving techniques. Just don't know how else to explain it. It's not just the grain, but the contours of the face, the razor, and the natural motions of the hand and wrist. Day to day, the face and growth also plays a part, though I definitely don't understand and couldn't talk about it. I try to suggest to people to not be a slave to the grain, but find what feels good on your face (minimal resistance and burn) that still works. The razor's even more of a factor with a straight. In some places, the grain goes in angles where a natural WTG pass would slice my neck and not cut a single hair.
Absolutely, but usually not because of size, my razors are all about the same. Super Speeds, Techs, HDs, Super Adjustable - all about the same.

But they all shave way differnet and I use a Derby in some of them, and Isreali blades in others. The Israelis are a bit harsher but shave closer in my Super Adjustable, so I go a bit Across & Against the grain in a single pass rather than two seperate passes because if I take too many passes I get weepers.

On the other hand, my Super Speed with a Derby can go and do wahtever I want, and I only bleed when I go to Zen and lose my concertration and thus, my technique. Happens form time to time.

Still, Every razor, every blade, a new shave. That's half the fun!

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