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Do you want to try a GEM Pass?

Yeah it is a different beast and will bite if your not careful. Were you utilizing skin stretching? I found that helped tons especially WTG and XTG. Remember, it only gets better from here :D
I did not do any skin stretching. I read about it in this thread but since I dont do that with my DE I wanted to give as close to an apples to apples comparison.

Low angle was my biggest issue... Keep the flat of the razor as close to flat on your face as you can. My tendency (SE and DE) seems to be to want to open that angle up.

I think I have the same tendencies.
I made a 2 pass shave on saturday night. I usually do 3 passes but since I just shaved the day before I didnt have that much to remove. I wasnt happy with the results come sunday morning. I dont think the blade is dull after only 5 passes but I had some serious trouble removing some hairs on spots I never miss or have to touch up. (Bottom corner of my jaw.) It was like a magic line of missed hairs that were trying to go ingrown on me. I'll be giving it another go with the same blade tonight. We'll see how I do then.
I used my Gem Jr this morning for the first time. I'll write it up later, on my 1st Shaves thread, but I'm pretty happy with Gem razors in general. And it all started with this razor pass around. Thanks again for setting this up Prez25! Where's it headed next?
I made a 2 pass shave on saturday night. I usually do 3 passes but since I just shaved the day before I didnt have that much to remove. I wasnt happy with the results come sunday morning. I dont think the blade is dull after only 5 passes but I had some serious trouble removing some hairs on spots I never miss or have to touch up. (Bottom corner of my jaw.) It was like a magic line of missed hairs that were trying to go ingrown on me. I'll be giving it another go with the same blade tonight. We'll see how I do then.

Have you used it again? How did it go?
I used it a 3rd time and had to stop 1/2 way through my 1st pass. It felt like a dull derby to me. Since no one is next in line I used a 2nd blade. This was from the individual baggie and I've done 2 shaves so far with it. Maybe they just dull fast on me? I'm normally 3 passes + touch ups per shave after 2-3 days of growth. Both shaves were good with a surprise weeper both times, in different spots. I really dislike doing a 3rd pass on my neck with the razor. Its probably just my technique or lack of. It does a really great job on my side burns. I've murdered my sideburns with my DE. I'm talking no sideburns, up above my ears until they got even. I got a haircut that evening so it wasnt that bad.

I'd like to pick one up on the cheap just to play with on a weekend here or there.
I have the thread on subscribe so if anyone wants in I'm easily able to send it out within a day or 2.

There are ~5 blades left iirc. But its up to the OP if he wants me to sit on it awhile longer in the hopes someone wants to try it again or mail it back to him and he can try it again once more interest is drummed up. Monday is my bump the thread day. I could do more but without anything of real value to add other than hey look at this razor you know you want to try it!
Yes yes we all bleed for our obsessive passion!!!
I use straights but something about single edge Gem with that cut it all off angle gives me chills.
Do all GEM's require the blade to be close to the face? I admit to opening up the angle on my 1912 a bit :001_rolle but it hasn't made me a bloody mess because of it. I recently hopped back onto the SE train after doing DE almost exclusively for a couple of years, and I just went back at it without thinking... Still shaves pretty good opened up, but with my other razors coming, it might be time to refine my technique before I go slicing myself with one of the others :blink:
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The angle that I've found that works for me has the razor very close to flat on my face. The flat of the razor is just barely off the skin. I've also found that I have to watch that I don't open up that angle during the course of the shave. The technique and angle is pretty much the same for all of the Gem style razors.
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