I've contacted some of the mods on this, and so far have received no replies. I'd be interested in how many members might be interested in a sub-forum on disposable blade straights, or the "shavettes" as they are grouped into. I've seen a good many posts from members who use these razors, and wonder if enough interest might warrant its own group. I for one use only this type of straight, and I have all the top of the line Feather and Kai straights. I also have and use the Parker straights. IMHO the shave that the disposables give is one that can't be touched by a regular straight. Don't get me wrong, I've tried and used the regular straight, but I've found that the sharpness and the shave of the disposables is much better.
I think the sub-forum could deal with all aspects of the "shavette" straight, from use and technique, to comparing the different type's of these straights, ease of use, sturdiness, etc.
I for one feel that the disposable straight gets put down as not being a real straight, and gets poo pooed by many who don't give them a chance, or take the time to develop their technique for using one.
If you think that this might be a good idea, please respond and add your name to this post.
I think the sub-forum could deal with all aspects of the "shavette" straight, from use and technique, to comparing the different type's of these straights, ease of use, sturdiness, etc.
I for one feel that the disposable straight gets put down as not being a real straight, and gets poo pooed by many who don't give them a chance, or take the time to develop their technique for using one.
If you think that this might be a good idea, please respond and add your name to this post.

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