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Do you sterilize brand new razors?

Absolutely no need to sterilize a new razor.

Do we wash our pants, shirts, socks, and underwear when we buy them, and before we wear them for the first time? I've never heard of that and I'm 84 years old.

I would think there are more germs on a door handle than on a new razor. How often do you wash the door handles at your house?
No kidding--I wash all that stuff before I wear it.
It's not easy. Trust me. I struggle, just not with shaving gear, or dropping food on the floor and eating it anyway.

Petting my cat, and not immediately washing my hands, just in case I touch food....that's my special kinda crazy my friend.

We've all got our own special brand, no doubt. In my case, when I was a kid I WAS an imaginary friend. And if y'all believe that I've got some land for sale down in the Everglades ;)


Needs milk and a bidet!
I'm pretty much of a germaphobe myself

So..for you…i would recommend sterilizing them.

But for me…no. I’ve bought seemingly hundreds of razors. Every one of them was washed with dish soap, hot water, and a toothbrush. Weather or not that dish soap was antibacterial…I have no idea, frankly don’t care. I used whatever was on the back of the sink. Boiled water, dumped it over the razors with dish soap, and scrubbed with a toothbrush. Rinsed, dried, and used or sold. Badda bing badda boom.
I have a bottle of one of Mr King's competitors around here; if I find it I'll post a picture: I think it is called "Hydroxicide"? I may end up Piffing it. My "collection" is beginning to "border on the hoarder" side of life ....
Holy crap, you sure you got that name right! Nucleophile!


  • hydroxicide.png
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So..for you…i would recommend sterilizing them.

But for me…no. I’ve bought seemingly hundreds of razors. Every one of them was washed with dish soap, hot water, and a toothbrush. Weather or not that dish soap was antibacterial…I have no idea, frankly don’t care. I used whatever was on the back of the sink. Boiled water, dumped it over the razors with dish soap, and scrubbed with a toothbrush. Rinsed, dried, and used or sold. Badda bing badda boom.
Yup probably. But with all this barbicide scrubbing bubbles stuff I might be afraid to damage the finish!
I aways give new brushes a soak and a hand lather to get any germs out.
Blades get a spritz of alcohol when first unwrapped.
I have two brand new razors coming in....the one from Portugal will get a
5 minute soak in boiling water with some isopropyl alcohol sprayed on it later.
The one from Russia will be handled with heavy duty rubber gloves and put through
the same process.
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So don’t use it. If a 20 second hand wash with plain ole soap was good enough for the COVID-19 virus why wouldn’t it be good enough for our razors?
You're right. I guess with all this Barbicide Hydroxicide talk I forgot about plain old soap. Thanks for the common sense.


Needs milk and a bidet!
You're right. I guess with all this Barbicide Hydroxicide talk I forgot about plain old soap. Thanks for the common sense.
Bacteria can live on surfaces for months. Virus can hang out from several hours to several weeks. No one knows FOR SURE. But what we all know FOR SURE is that it’s very easy to clean viruses and bacteria off of surfaces. Barbicide, soap, bleach, Clorox spray, scrubbing bubbles, etc. all work for doing the job. Clean your razor using the directions for whatever cleaning agent you are using. Do it twice if you feel like it. Do it 3x if you want. The point is….it’s very easy to remove the nasties from your razor. And it can be done without much thought at all.

I mean…for a hundred years we went to the barber for a straight razor shave- using the same razor on every guy. We all get our hair cut using the same clippers and combs as every other guy before us.

There’s no need to stress over a razor and how to clean it. Just clean it to the point you feel is acceptable and use it.


B&B's Man in Italy
I've never sterilized any razor, new or old.
I've washed all of them.
Some required a soak because they were particularly grubby, but my intent was never sterilization.
You should do what makes you comfortable.

+1 Phil here is giving the most accurate answer, as he had always done in the past. :thumbup1:
Do we wash our pants, shirts, socks, and underwear when we buy them, and before we wear them for the first time? I've never heard of that and I'm 84 years old.

Yup. Always have and always will. It's not to remove germs though. It's to remove chemical treatments, dyes, etc... and to help soften up the article. This area used to be big in textiles until it all went overseas, so many folks remember the different substances applied. Besides, if you don't wash your new jeans once or twice alone or with other jeans they can stain your other clothes.

New razors get a quick scrub with dish detergent to remove any residue chemicals from manufacturing. Used will then get a quick soaking in disinfectant. Brushes are treated the same.

Prions are no laughing matter. A man in the next town over died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob. I knew his wife and nephew.
Absolutely no need to sterilize a new razor.

Do we wash our pants, shirts, socks, and underwear when we buy them, and before we wear them for the first time? I've never heard of that and I'm 84 years old.

I would think there are more germs on a door handle than on a new razor. How often do you wash the door handles at your house?
Yes I do wash my clothes before wearing

Fayiz D.
Sterilization requires pressurized steam (up to 135 degrees C) for an extended time (most commonly - there are other methods such as ethylene oxide, not as practical), so processing a small instrument like a razor generally means sanitization or disinfection. Steam sterilization is harsh on instruments, even stainless steel, and also not practical for some materials - surgical instruments are routinely inspected and replaced if necessary with each cycle. Low or medium-level sanitizing/disinfecting any razor, new or old, is easily accomplished however with a number of chemical agents, including Barbicide. Sterilization is unnecessary unless there is known or suspected contamination on reusable sharps, like a straight razor, so disinfection is more than adequate for anything else razor-related, and as a practical matter usually unnecessary for even those, although certainly nothing wrong with it for piece of mind on a used razor. On a new razor, probably overkill (no pun intended), but again, your razor your face, easy enough to do, and if it comforts you to know you're starting from (almost) zero for living organisms on the surface of your brand new SS Timeless, press on! From a philosophical perspective though, probably more logical to sanitize that new razor blade - that actually has the potential to introduce aliens below your epidermis - than your smooth-y, round-y, non-cutting razor. Although bugs, eventually, will win, according to my Pathology mentor, for three reasons he said: "they're little, they're cunning, and they got no feelin's."
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