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Do you prefer Brylcreem or Groom and Clean?

I've had some for awhile now, and I gotta say I love both. I actually have "barber shop days" where I will use Brylcreem and Clubman to get that vibe. I will say though I LOVE Groom and Clean's scent; I wish it was made in an EDT or something! So, which do you guys prefer? I don't find either/or gives me better hold.
Groom and Clean! Its so easy to apply, great smell, and washes right out every evening. Gives me that slicked oiled up look I've always wanted.
:D Love both of them, and find Brylcreem isn't so greasy depending on the length of your hair. When I cut mine it became less "greasy." Weird.
Here's the good stuff. Hold hair in place all day long. Not greasy. Dries quickly. Alchohol free so it doesn't frizz hair.

Been using it for 12 years. Runs about $3 a tube and lasts for six months or so.

Groom n Clean, though I've never seen that Brylcream before.. I'd sure try it. With my hair growing out, NOTHING keeps the sides tamed all day except for this Got2B glued stuff, and MAN does that make the head bullet proof.. HATE it.
Groom & Clean. I used Brylcreem growing up and it just never provided the hold I wanted. Groom & Clean for me provides a little more hold than Brylcreem and isn't as greasy feeling. It smells great but the scent is strong and overpowers any cologne I wear..... so I basically just wear it around the house in the evenings after my shower or on weekends when I know I'm not going out. Lately, I've been experimenting with a combination of a matte finishing wax for hold and a coat of pomade for shine using products from Trendstarter (knock offs of American Crew products). Still trying to find the right products and doing alot of experimenting but there will always be a place for Groom & Clean in my bathroom cabinet.

It's been so long since I used Brylcreem that I really can't remember it. Had a tube in my hands at the store the other day, but after reading the ingredients, I put it back down.

Groom & Clean is my go to. So easy to use and wash away.
Another Groom and Clean fan here. I get great hold without the greasiness I get with Brylcream. I tried many of the much more expensive newer hair products prior to finding out about Groom and Clean on a thread at B&B. Another bargain priced
product that works well for me is Clubman hair gel. A 16 oz. tub runs about $5.

Groom and Clean has more hold than Brylcreem but my vote still goes to Brylcreem. Ya, it's a little greasier, but I love the scent of Brylcreem and to me it's a higher shine without looking as wet. Just my $0.02
I can't use any of the two because of mineral oil ... which happens to be in a lot of products (allergic reaction) and break out,
However thanks to the people at Suave ... who also make Groom and Clean ... they make a water based Styling Pomade. It does have Castor Oil in it which is Noncomedogenic and I don't break out from it.

Washes out easy and pretty cheap at around $3
I have very thin hair so Groom and Clean has a little too much hold for me. I use Brylcreem more often because I like th shine and it strangely gives my hair more volume. I have had good luck with mixing a little Paul Mitchell The Conditioner with Groom and Clean to "loosen" it up a little and that works very well for me. That way I have the hold of Groom and Clean and the lightness that I like with The Conditioner.
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