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Do you ever put off shaving til a better time?

I was about to have a shower today and thought about shaving after. I decided to put it off until tonight for the simple reason I could enjoy it more in the evening. Anyone else do this? The pleasure of shaving is quite more than I had anticipated. Now I'm off to soak my brush!:biggrin1:
I have to shave again in the evening if I'm going out.
I have to admit, though, to adding an evening shave sometimes
just for the hell of it ;-)
I shower and shave in the evening almost 100% of the time. I work outdoors... in the South and sweat dripping down a freshly shaven face by 7-8 in the morning can be rough.
I don't need to be clean shaven for work so I shower every morning, but shave every other evening. At night I get the bathroom to myself and I can enjoy taking my time with the DE. It's also a nice pick-me-up in the evening. Can't see myself enjoying a shave at 5:30 in the morning while my mind's on the day ahead and my wife is waiting for the bathroom.
I practically grow a beard during midterm season.
Some of my courses involve weekly homework taking upwards of 20 hours (per assignment!), and combining that nightmare with midterms, suspiciously taking place on the same days and/or the days big assignments are due, and the fact it still takes me about 30-45 minutes to do a proper 3-pass shave, I keep choosing sleep or studying over shaving.

Now there's a plus side to this situation: when I get back home on Friday afternoon, man oh man am I itching for a shave, and the anticipation makes it so much more satisfactory when I finally get to it :blushing::001_rolle
I don't understand the question.

Well, let me type more slowly for you: :biggrin1: I enjoy shaving. This morning I could have shaved, but it would have been a bit rushed, so I decided to put it off until tonight when I had more time and so could enjoy it more. This I found satisfying. Do you feel the same? That is, do you sometimes not shave because it would be rushed and you don't really need to shave anyway, so you put it off until later when you can enjoy it. Or is it just a thing you do when needed, rain or shine?
When I have tests and homework looming over my head, I will often put shaving off until it's done. Then I can have some time to myself to wind down before bed. It's amazing to me what a stress reliever shaving has become for me.
I'll put off shaving for a couple days if there is an event that I want to have a good shave for. I shaved tonight for the first time in 4-5 days because I have to attend a funeral tomrrow morning. I tend to get a much better shave after a few days growth. Daily shaving tends to give me irritation and bumps sometimes, so I eliminate the possibility of having a crappy shave that way.
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