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Do you ever feel like you missed a spot even after a 3 pass shave

it seems like certain areas on my face just dont get as close as others like my jaw line never feels as smooth as my cheeks still bbs but not the same
Occasionally I have this problem, especially right below the jawline. It's not worth me risking razor burn to get it any smoother though.
Occasionally, but sometimes it is because I rub a little too hard, which allows you to feel stubble you won't really feel/see after shaving.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
That's why they have the "touch up pass". Not to be confused with the "touchdown pass". :lol:
Yea..that's why I go 3.5 passes with my straights:)

WTG, ATG, a bit of XTG, then some buffing touchups.

Still can't get a completely "1000 grit" shave on the jawline immediately below my ears because I can't hold the blade at the proper angle to get a true ATG there.
Only other "problem" area is the bottom and front of the chin, but a little buffing gets the bottom pretty clean and XTG usually takes care of the front.
Yea I never totally get it in a couple places, but sometimes it's still as close as I could possibly get. What drives me nuts, and I dunno if anyone else has ever experienced this, is somehow ill miss like just one whisker, and it'll bug me all day knowing its there.
it seems like certain areas on my face just dont get as close as others like my jaw line never feels as smooth as my cheeks still bbs but not the same

Yeah I'm still trying to get my chin and a lower neck (have a spot where my hair grows like a crop circle). I've had a few weepers in my quest for perfection.
Yea I never totally get it in a couple places, but sometimes it's still as close as I could possibly get. What drives me nuts, and I dunno if anyone else has ever experienced this, is somehow ill miss like just one whisker, and it'll bug me all day knowing its there.
Yep that happens to me a couple times a week and it drives me flippin mad!! :cursing: TBH I just grab the razor and a splash of water and go for it(sometimes that ends badly). For some reason I miss this one spot between my Adams apple and my chin that is not really a difficult area to shave. I just plain missed it.

At the same time I have a couple spots that are never BBS. I could probably get that close but it's not worth the risk. And what would I shave tomorrow if I get every bit of it today?? :lol:


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I have better results going back for a 4th buffing pass on my chin rather than be more aggressive on the ATG pass.
the area near my adams apple on my neck! especially to the right side! blade seems to move right over the area without nary cutting a hair...

since i am new had been hesitant to try ATG, but went for it the other day with a fresh blade and things went fine, day 2 of the blade still ok, day three, brought a weeper...this was with my Black Handled SS adjustable at "5"

my EJ89 always have left weepers in this area after a second WTG pass, so far with three different blade tries...(even Feathers), no ATG tries with EJ89 yet..

really getting best from that Retro piece!
Blade buffing problem areas on the third pass helps - manti59 has a good youtube video on advanced techniques like blade buffing and j-hooking.
I almost always find that I have some stragglers between my adam's apple and chin. I think it is because I go extra light there (very sensitive around there). I also get some random spots around my jawline, but I can usually take care of those with an extra XTG or ATG pass.
Sitting here frustratedly stroking that problem spot now haha, right below the jawline is the problem spot for me as well. Whenever this happens I just try and ignore it until the next day, because its really only noticable to me. Somtimes I'll try and get that spot the next day with additional XTG or ATG passes, which useually just ends in a little razor burn...
Yes sometimes i get that or rough spots, but i only do three passes and no touch ups. Hate the feeling of completely BBS, so i am happy with my daily DFS.
I used to go after those spots compulsively, and would often just cause irritation in those areas. Really I think what was happening was that when I would stretch my skin it would expose some hair that had been cleanly shaved down to the skin. Lately I just leave those spots alone and find that in my post-shave, relaxed face they are pretty smooth. As was said above, for me a WTG, ATG and touch up is all I need. Might miss a spot now and then, but only I notice.
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