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Do Blade Widths Vary?

I was on the 'bay a little while ago and was reading a description of someone selling a banned vendors product, which stated not to use Derby blades in it because it is such an aggressive razor and the "Derby's are a little larger than other blades" makes it too aggressive.

If blades do vary in widths from one another, could that be the reason some blades work better for some people in different types of razors better than others? (wow that sounds confusing). Let's try again, Can a blade influence the aggressiveness of a razor?

Has anyone ever measured blades to see if there are size differences?
I haven't measured any of widths but I suspect that they do vary. A smaller width would make it a less aggressive shaver and vice versa. The black 7 O'clocks seem to have a smaller than average width. I had to noticeably adjust my angle to get the most out of them.
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