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Do any of you regularly shave twice a day?

I've been thinking about this because I have quick growing hair and it would be interesting to shave in the morning and shave in the evening. However, taking a shower twice and doing the full prep does start taking quite a bit of time.

Do any of you shave twice a day every day or do you just do it on special occations because of how tough it is to prep? (and if I don't prep right it will hurt).
I do sometimes, but there has to be a good reason (wedding, funeral, court, etc.). When I do I don't do a full prep, usually just one or two passes, fast and simple. Also, if I know that I've an appointment of some sort scheduled that would require me to look less like a caveman, I will take more time in the morning, going for a BBS. If I can get away with not doing it I would rather not.
The special occasion sounds reasonable because it feels like it does a bit of damage compared to one shave (to me). I can take a break the next day or just have a couple of days of annoying shaves and it's over. If I had to do it daily I'm not sure if I could get used to it.

Was curious if anyone could and how they could get used to it.
Only on special occasions, but mostly I don't because I don't need to do my heritage and relative lack of facial hair. Which is a shame as I'm always looking for ways to use the shaving gear.
The only time I went through shaving twice a day was just under a year ago when learning to use a straight. No time in the morning for a full shave so I did a couple of passes in the evening, then a single pass tidy up in the morning. Now I wouldn't dream of it as it was getting a little sore at times.
Once in a while, I will shave twice in a day--not for a special occasion but simply for the joy of it.

I work a regular day shift, in an office, so I am in the habit of showering and shaving every morning before work. After work, I like to run 5 miles or so and clear my head. (Plus, I can afford to eat more dessert!) Once in a while, after my evening shower, if my skin is feeling up to it, I will shave a second time that day.

Importantly, I use a very mild razor (Feather AS-D1 with Feather blades), and I never go for BBS. DFS is just fine with me as I have a beard, leaving only my cheeks and neck available for shaving.

If I were a full-face BBS shaver, I would not even try to shave twice in one day, but YMMV...
Once in a while, I will shave twice in a day--not for a special occasion but simply for the joy of it.

I work a regular day shift, in an office, so I am in the habit of showering and shaving every morning before work. After work, I like to run 5 miles or so and clear my head. (Plus, I can afford to eat more dessert!) Once in a while, after my evening shower, if my skin is feeling up to it, I will shave a second time that day.

Importantly, I use a very mild razor (Feather AS-D1 with Feather blades), and I never go for BBS. DFS is just fine with me as I have a beard, leaving only my cheeks and neck available for shaving.

If I were a full-face BBS shaver, I would not even try to shave twice in one day, but YMMV...

You know I think I could shave my face twice a day, it's my neck that has all the sensitivity...


No tattoo mistakes!
I started shaving with DE razors last November. Haven't shaved with a cart since. Have only skipped two days, and I have shaved twice on two days. On neither occasion of the latter was the second shave enjoyable. If I get a BBS shave in the morning, there's no need for a second shave. On the other hand, if I knew in advance that I'd want to do a second shave, I would not go for BBS in the first.
I do if I have an evening engagement. On those occasions my second shave is a cold water shave and I try to limit my passes to two. (Normally I do four passes.) On the second shave be extra careful about limiting your pressure on the razor.
I shaved three times in a day earlier this week. I got a little bit of irritation on my neck after the third time, but it was gone by the time I shaved again the next afternoon. With every razor I used previously I could only shave maybe 2-3 times a week, but now that I've switched to DE's I am totally fine shaving twice a day. As for prep, it really doesn't take me that long. I load up a brush with soap for a pre wash, then use a hot wet towel to soak my face. I re-wet it after 30 sec which takes most of the soap off and then after the next 30 sec I take the rest of it off. Makes for a good prep before I lather & shave, I do it quite often at work, it's the perfect end to the day. I finish off with hot & cold rinses, witch hazel and then some AS sometimes followed by a coat of talc.
Disclaimer: Since I have a beard I really only shave my cheekbones, lower lip and neck. I generally can only do one pass since there is so little that I shave a second pass isn't really practical. My throat to either side of my adams apple are my problem areas, both with irritation and they grow horizontally. However they are also really the only areas that get two passes. I shave them horizontally first WTG, relather my entire neck and then do a full jawbone to collarbone pass over my whole neck WTG, but XTG over my problem areas. So while I only do one pass, my problem areas get two passes and they're not a problem. YMMV (if you weren't expecting that, you should have!)
I only shave once a day, but it is more of a time issue than anything else. I just do not have time for the full prep and routine. I've gotten better but it still takes 15-20 minutes. I do think that if I wanted to shave twice per day, DE shaving wouldn't irritate my face as much as shaving with my old Mach3.
Arley ("Daniel Plainview") says he shaves twice every day.

I kind of want to feel his skin so I can feel hulk-like skin that can take it. I've attempted to do it, but with no success (in not burning myself).

HA...no Hulk-Like skin. Actually I have very good and soft skin now, which was not the case before I returned to classic shaving.

I was cursed with early puberty, started shaving at 12, now at 48 I have a very dense wiry beard. The reality is that before using DE's and SE's, I did not care about how close of a shave that I had. Shaving was nothing more than a chore that I had to do, and I hated doing it.

Now after seeing and feeling the vast difference in my skin I just cannot stand the feeling of stubble on my face. In the moring I will do a three pass shave, and in the evening I will do a two pass. For me the evening shave is very relaxing, I will use a sharp blade such as a Feather, paired with my favorite DE, a Gillette Tech. The combo of a mild razor paired with a very sharp blade provides me with skin that is free from 12 hours of growth.

Not everyone as course wiry fast growing facial hair, but for those that do, I highly recommend using a mild razor of their liking paired with a sharp blade.

Enjoy your shave and don't buy into any hype of one razor over another. Use what works for you, no matter what tools that may be.
Remember - prep can be as simple as splashing water on your face, lathering up and letting it sit for 2 minutes. The more elaborate preshave routines can be overkill, sometimes simpler is better!
I do sometimes, but there has to be a good reason (wedding, funeral, court, etc.). When I do I don't do a full prep, usually just one or two passes, fast and simple. Also, if I know that I've an appointment of some sort scheduled that would require me to look less like a caveman, I will take more time in the morning, going for a BBS. If I can get away with not doing it I would rather not.

Same for me, if I used anything more mild than my Super Speed 48/50 maybe I would shave twice a day, but most of the time I use my red tip, (Though of course sometimes one of my straights, sometimes my R-41, sometimes
more than one razor for a single shave, but that's another story)
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