Looking for suggestions on best place to buy one of these.
Feb 12, 2010 #2 SliceOfLife http://www.amazon.com/Dia-Sharp-8-X-3-Coarse/dp/B0001WP1L0 This is where I got my XC. (PoorFish Outdoors). I have no complaints.
http://www.amazon.com/Dia-Sharp-8-X-3-Coarse/dp/B0001WP1L0 This is where I got my XC. (PoorFish Outdoors). I have no complaints.
Feb 12, 2010 #4 ouch Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd SliceOfLife said: http://www.amazon.com/Dia-Sharp-8-X-3-Coarse/dp/B0001WP1L0 This is where I got my XC. (PoorFish Outdoors). I have no complaints. Click to expand... That beats craftsmanstudio.com by two bucks. Very handy stone.
SliceOfLife said: http://www.amazon.com/Dia-Sharp-8-X-3-Coarse/dp/B0001WP1L0 This is where I got my XC. (PoorFish Outdoors). I have no complaints. Click to expand... That beats craftsmanstudio.com by two bucks. Very handy stone.