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DIY soap dish

I usually buy replacement pucks to save cash and have run out of containers. The one soap I did buy in a container is Tabac and its dish seems almost perfect. I also have used the aluminum screw-top tins but have run out of them. Small empty margarine containers make a serviceable container (I've used a couple for my ground-up shave sticks), but I'm looking for something better.

Does anyone know of a department/discount store product that works well? I kind of think glass or ceramic would be ideal (I've never cared for the wooden things some companies use). I do like the idea of using empty TOBS (or other brands) tubs but don't have too many that are near-empty at the moment.
Coconut shells are OK but you have to seal em up...to0 porous to hold lather without drying it out. Get yourself to your local super store and get some Pyrex 1 Cup dishes, they come in packs of 4 and have lids so they'll keep your scents in. I think they're about $8 a set. They also have red lids available.

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Coconut shells are OK but you have to seal em up...to pourus to hold lather without drying it out. Get yourself to your local super store and get some Pyrex 1 Cup dishes, they come in packs of 4 and have lids so they'll keep your scents in. I think they're about $8 a set. They also have red lids available.

that's a great idea!:w00t:
that's a great idea!:w00t:

You think thats a good idea? Well I bet you saw that post somewhere about that Merkur bowl with the frosted glass? Get some of these and while you're at the store, go to the craft (or bath?) section and get some Acid Glass Etch (not a name brand...have not tried this myself). You can etch the outside of these bowls and you'll have a nice frosted look practically identical to the Merkur bowl, if not better since these are pretty hard to break, being Pyrex and all...

PS Im referring to this dish:
I use 200ml plastic "Tupperware" type pots with lids. They've got rounded corners and stack brilliantly. they cost about $2.50 for 3 (here in UK).
Coconut shells are OK but you have to seal em up...to pourus to hold lather without drying it out. Get yourself to your local super store and get some Pyrex 1 Cup dishes, they come in packs of 4 and have lids so they'll keep your scents in. I think they're about $8 a set. They also have red lids available.


These are the best IMO.
You think thats a good idea? Well I bet you saw that post somewhere about that Merkur bowl with the frosted glass? Get some of these and while you're at the store, go to the craft (or bath?) section and get some Acid Glass Etch (not a name brand...have not tried this myself). You can etch the outside of these bowls and you'll have a nice frosted look practically identical to the Merkur bowl, if not better since these are pretty hard to break, being Pyrex and all...

PS Im referring to this dish:

I agree. Hey! I could buy a $3 dish and etch it with the Badger & Blade words! now that would be a keeper!:001_tt1:
I've just recently melted a Col Conk's puck into this Anchor Hocking glass bowl with a lid (really, a lot like the Pyrex one above) and it's working well. I like mine over the Pyrex pictured because of the shape, but that's like, you know, my opinion, man.

i could post a picture later, when i get home - but i think you get the idea.
I use 200ml plastic "Tupperware" type pots with lids. They've got rounded corners and stack brilliantly. they cost about $2.50 for 3 (here in UK).


I have to shave the edges a little with C&E Nomad and CADE but for the price it can't be beat.
This really looks like just the thing! Thanks for the helpful suggestions, everyone!

Coconut shells are OK but you have to seal em up...to0 porous to hold lather without drying it out. Get yourself to your local super store and get some Pyrex 1 Cup dishes, they come in packs of 4 and have lids so they'll keep your scents in. I think they're about $8 a set. They also have red lids available.



My elbows leak
Staff member
I was at a TJ Maxx with my wife and ran across two Ralph Lauren Normandy sugar dishes, 5 bucks each.

Snatched them up, and they now house some previously wrapped pucks.

So, I have now added sugar bowls to my list of "potentials"
(the pic doesn't display the intricate white webbed pattern)
That looks nice, but the knob atop the lid makes them un-stackable. I have so much shave gear that I have to stack my soap containers!


My elbows leak
Staff member
That looks nice, but the knob atop the lid makes them un-stackable. I have so much shave gear that I have to stack my soap containers!

Ahhh, that would be a problem then.
Not so for me, I have full reign of a bathroom (lucky me)
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