So, tomorrow I am going to go pick up the one and only gargantuan Tabac EDC. I am planning on making an AS with some of it. I bought a bottle of Witch Hazel, and a bottle of glycerin. I'm thinking about 65% witch hazel, about 35% Tabac, and a splash of glycerin. I will be making it in a 6oz Pinaud clubman bottle. Any other ingredients I should look into? I think that should be about plenty. What about mixture? Do the proportions sound about right? also, about how much glycerin should I use? I read a recipe that calls for 3 cups of alcohol, 1 cup of witch hazel, and a table spoon of glycerine. I have no intentions of making a batch this large, so should just a few drops of glycerin be enough? Thanks in advance for any insight you may be able to offer.