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Ditching Astra blades!

Astra SP was my first 100 blade purchase and I still have 92 of them. They WILL get used because in some of my razors, the mild shavers, they do an AWESOME job. However, in my more aggressive razors (OC NEW etc.) they lose out to the Feather and the German Wilkinson Sword. In these razors, they nick and burn. For now, Astra is in my top 3, at number 3, and looking for a challenger. I just can't see keeping a blade that I can't put in ANY razor I own and get a really good shave. I can do that with Feather and WS and I migrate back to them in the bleary mornings when I want a good, easily obtained close shave.

So, as I said, I'll use my purchase and get good shaves, but when they are gone, I'm done. Any suggestions on a contender for the #3 spot on my list?
Eh I think I have sort of the same problem with derbys. I can use them in my 29l and 23c just fine and get great shaves, but I tried one in my super adjustable today .. and I got weepers for the first time ever. That could just be because I was trying a setting that was too aggressive. I guess i'll wait a couple days and find out.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Astra SP was my first 100 blade purchase and I still have 92 of them. They WILL get used because in some of my razors, the mild shavers, they do an AWESOME job. However, in my more aggressive razors (OC NEW etc.) they lose out to the Feather and the German Wilkinson Sword. In these razors, they nick and burn. For now, Astra is in my top 3, at number 3, and looking for a challenger. I just can't see keeping a blade that I can't put in ANY razor I own and get a really good shave. I can do that with Feather and WS and I migrate back to them in the bleary mornings when I want a good, easily obtained close shave.

So, as I said, I'll use my purchase and get good shaves, but when they are gone, I'm done. Any suggestions on a contender for the #3 spot on my list?

PolSilver Super Iridiums
7 O' Clock Blacks
Astra SP work in all my razors. German Walmart Wilkies only work in my Lord Tech knock off and there not that great (close shave but easy to get irritation irritation). Astra Stainless do not work for any of my razors (dull and irritation).
Astra SP was my first 100 blade purchase and I still have 92 of them. They WILL get used because in some of my razors, the mild shavers, they do an AWESOME job. However, in my more aggressive razors (OC NEW etc.) they lose out to the Feather and the German Wilkinson Sword. In these razors, they nick and burn. For now, Astra is in my top 3, at number 3, and looking for a challenger. I just can't see keeping a blade that I can't put in ANY razor I own and get a really good shave. I can do that with Feather and WS and I migrate back to them in the bleary mornings when I want a good, easily obtained close shave.

So, as I said, I'll use my purchase and get good shaves, but when they are gone, I'm done. Any suggestions on a contender for the #3 spot on my list?

How about Viking's Sword. Cool name for a blade and a good performer. There's a thread in this sub-forum about them. Only $5 for 20 shipped so cheap enough to try.


If you like them you can get 100 shipped for $14

I gave away 95 Astra SPs because I just couldn't get on with them. These Viking's Swords are, for me at least, vastly superior.
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After trying many not so great for me blades(Personna - IP and Lab, Crystal, Lord, Derby, Dorco, Shark, Sharp, Merkur, Wilkinson) Astra SP were my first favorite blade and they still consistently perform great for me in all my razors. I also get great results from PermaSharp, Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow and Black, Feather and Rapira SS. The Astra SS are not quite as good for me as the SP but still perform well. The Astra SP and Rapira SS have the added benefit of being very inexpensive. With blades it really is YMMV.
I'm a Astra SP fan, having about 150 of them now. It is what I call a go-to in my rotation in all my DE razors. That said, I have to tell you that I'm really finding that the Personna Super Blue/Lab may just nudge the Astra. The Gillette 7OC would be right in there if it wasn't for the cost. I just can't love them for the price.
I couldn't use the Astra in my Progress on any setting without a ton of irritation. 7 o'clock black and Perma Sharps work great. 7 o'clock costs a little more so I just stick with the Perma Sharp and get great results. Good luck in your search.
Perma Sharp is a great blade, the only other blade that felt better was Super Iridium.
My favorite blades are Red IP and Super Iridium. You can't beat them with a stick. Perfect blades. Perma Sharp probably takes third position.
If you like the Astra but want something a little sharper try some of the other St Pete manufactured blades like the 7 o'clock yellows or greens. Voskhod is smoother but not a lot sharper. Rapira is another Russian blade that might be worth a look.

Grab a tuck of each next time you order something before deciding on another 100 count carton/card
Astra SP was my first 100 blade purchase and I still have 92 of them. They WILL get used because in some of my razors, the mild shavers, they do an AWESOME job. However, in my more aggressive razors (OC NEW etc.) they lose out to the Feather and the German Wilkinson Sword. In these razors, they nick and burn. For now, Astra is in my top 3, at number 3, and looking for a challenger. I just can't see keeping a blade that I can't put in ANY razor I own and get a really good shave. I can do that with Feather and WS and I migrate back to them in the bleary mornings when I want a good, easily obtained close shave.

So, as I said, I'll use my purchase and get good shaves, but when they are gone, I'm done. Any suggestions on a contender for the #3 spot on my list?

Do you have an EJ89, a mild shaver, and do they work well for you with that razor?
I'm definitely not "ditching my Asras' but I haven't tried Perma Sharps yet. Where do procure those?

Perma-Sharps are made for the Turkish market, so it's a good place to start. Bestshave in Turkey carries them, you can also find them on Ebay. In the US I know Bullgoose carry them, I believe Razor Blades and More do too. I ordered this 50-pack this week, and I'm looking forward to trying them.
Do you have an EJ89, a mild shaver, and do they work well for you with that razor?

Don't have the EJ89. On the mild side, I have a Slim, Fat Boy, Krona, Merkur 33c, and a Gillette Diplomat. My Astra blades are a dream in these, assuming I have the adjustables on 3. In my OC New or my Aristocrat, forget it.
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