I am not sure why Scrubbing Bubbles is mentioned so much for razor cleaning, I really think after doing a lot of cleaning that dish soap and boiling hot water was a lot better than Scrubbing Bubbles and the boiling water...
Agree on this. Really all of my maintenance cleaning is done with dish soap or hand soap and an old toothbrush-it works great and it's easy. If I was cleaning an old nasty razor, I'd just soak it first in hot soapy water and then see what's needed beyond that.
I know Scrubbing Bubbles and more is needed for infectious reasons, but I wish the guides or posts focused more on constant boiling hot water than the soap or Scrubbing Bubbles. It seems like the hot water and any kind of simple soap does it for most of the stuff. Maybe not all the rust and all, but definitely gets all the soap scum stuff.
If a new razor only has a light haze of old soap I use dish washing soap and a tooth brush. I find this works fine. then a dunk in Barbicide for 10 minutes to take care of those things you can't see.
I dunno...I scored a Fatboy this summer and whilst soap and boiling water went a long, long way towards cleaning it up it just wasn't up to the task af freeing up the adjustment. Scrubbing bubbles for that matter. I must have put in 7 or 8 hours over a week working on it. In the end I had to trudge out to the shop and break out the tools The soap scum was barely on this side of cement.
Absolutely right. Keep it simple. I like natural ingredients around the house that does a fine job. Dish soap, vinegar, baking soda, and the like. Finish with alcohol. In fact that's what I used tonight on a one dollar Schick razor find. Cleaned up well.
The boiling water alone will kill 99% of the bacteria/spores on anything. I know it would work on me...<G>. Thats how I cleaned all my razors, just used boiling water for couple of minutes, Antibacterial dishwashing soap, and after scrubbing & rinse, a quick dunk in denatured alcohol. The stubborn ones took a little more elbow grease but cleaned up nice.