I have had my new Merkur slant bar for almost a week and I have enjoyed it, however, to be truthful it wasn't too far ahead of my DE-89L. I figured it was the learning curve.
Today was the "AHA!" moment.
I ran across a YouTube video where this English guy was talking about how he had been putting his blades in his slant bar with the razor upside down. I have been doing this very thing because on all of ny other DE razors it seems to be a better way to get even blade exposure on both sides. I noticed though that I was having difficulty is getting that "uneven" blade exposure that I have seen in so many pictures of the slant.
This morning I put the blade in the blade holder, put the handle/safety bar on and flipped it right side up, then screwed the handle and it seemed that I got a much better "slant" on my blade exposure.
I also tried a new (and new to me) Gillette 7:00 O'clock yellow package blade. Between the two changes I received my closest shave ever!!
Now I'm not going to discount the effect of a new and different blade, bit I have to think that just changing the procedure of how I put the blade on my slant made all the difference in the world.
Anybody else out there go through something similar?
Today was the "AHA!" moment.
I ran across a YouTube video where this English guy was talking about how he had been putting his blades in his slant bar with the razor upside down. I have been doing this very thing because on all of ny other DE razors it seems to be a better way to get even blade exposure on both sides. I noticed though that I was having difficulty is getting that "uneven" blade exposure that I have seen in so many pictures of the slant.
This morning I put the blade in the blade holder, put the handle/safety bar on and flipped it right side up, then screwed the handle and it seemed that I got a much better "slant" on my blade exposure.
I also tried a new (and new to me) Gillette 7:00 O'clock yellow package blade. Between the two changes I received my closest shave ever!!
Now I'm not going to discount the effect of a new and different blade, bit I have to think that just changing the procedure of how I put the blade on my slant made all the difference in the world.
Anybody else out there go through something similar?