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Different behavior

Dear friends,

I own two open comb Gem Micromatic that I use at home and whilst travelling respectively. One of them works flawlessly and the other one causes me some redness and irritation.

They seem to be exactly the same, but, on the other hand, their behavior is not.

I know that I am not providing a lot of info, but I hope that your opinions and experiences might help me.

Got only one GEM Micromatic OC and it behaves like the second you descriped. Irritations, redness, spots and nicks. Doesn´t matter how soft and carefull I handle that beast...makes no fun. :cursing:
Got only one GEM Micromatic OC and it behaves like the second you descriped. Irritations, redness, spots and nicks. Doesn't matter how soft and careful I handle that beast...makes no fun. :cursing:

Hi, Floid,

Thanks for your answer.

It happens to me just with one of them. I jumped to the SE from DE because I am a maniac of close shaves, what I easily achieve with one of my Micromatics.

I am a Close Shave Maniac, too. :biggrin1:
I prefer my Ever-Ready 1912 and Streamline, my GEM Flying Wing, my different lather catchers and my Schick G1. They all give me very close and smooth shaves which last until 12 or 13 hours, without all the problems my Micromatic does.
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"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
About the only thing I can think of is maybe a blade alignment issue. Are the little hooks that capture the corners of the blade edge bent on one but not the other? Any TTO issues that might cause an uneven blade exposure?

Interesting question.

Chromed both..


OK. Some of the early gold plated ones didn't have the two small bumps that the blade rests on, but all of the chrome ones I've seen have them. Thought maybe one might not have the bumps which could change the blade angle a little. Other than that, I don't really have an answer for you.
About the only thing I can think of is maybe a blade alignment issue. Are the little hooks that capture the corners of the blade edge bent on one but not the other? Any TTO issues that might cause an uneven blade exposure?

Hi, Nortac,

Apparently, the razor is ok, what does not match reality. So, a deeper analysis knocks on the door.

OK. Some of the early gold plated ones didn't have the two small bumps that the blade rests on, but all of the chrome ones I've seen have them. Thought maybe one might not have the bumps which could change the blade angle a little. Other than that, I don't really have an answer for you.

Don't forget this chrome one that I got a little while ago, Tom. It hasn't got the dimples in the blade bed either, so it wasn't just something with the gold-plated ones.
McDaddy, Hoosier,

Both machines have the bumps. im fact, my OCMM is the US1773614. So, I am more prone to misalignements.

I will try to check it.

Thanks for your kindness.

Help is as appreciated as useful.

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