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Did you return to DE shaving, or start with it?

How did you start with Traditional Wet Shaving

  • I started with cartridge, and have used that for evah!!!

  • I started with TWS, then switched to cartridges for evah!!!

  • I started with TWS to start with!!!

  • I started with cartridge and then switched to TWS

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I'm age 55, and I guess I started shaving in the early '70s. I don't remember using a DE back then, I think I started with disposable single-blade razors. There were plenty of DEs around the house, but my father was using disposables at the time, so that's what I picked up on.

Down through the years, I tried soap and brush and even a straight razor (my grandfather was an old-school barber,) but didn't really stick with it. I didn't know the finer points of how to use them, and wasn't getting great results.

I got into wet-shaving and DEs about 2 years ago, and I've been kicking myself ever since for what I missed out on all those years.
I neither returned to, nor started with, DE shaving. Instead I stumbled across it, like a shiny precious jewel, poking out of the ground, beckoning to me...


My elbows leak
Staff member
Started with wetshaving, somehow evolved into canned goo and carts in military service, and switched back to wetshaving.
Started shaving in the early to mid 1960's. Although my step-dad always used a DE, I don't remember ever using one. I think I started with an electric, but switched to an injector in college. I don't remember when I switched from injector to cartridge. No wonder I was only shaving 1-2 a week until I started using a DE.
My Dad died when I was young and I guess Mom got rid of his shaving stuff, she doesn't remember. I started with disposables and canned foam but after shaving in the morning I'd have bad shadow by 2 or 3 and get the why didn't you shave from my boss. I started keeping a disposable in the glove compartment and just dry shave when I started to look rough. After a while it just became habbit to dry shave at work and keep it "boss acceptable" with a few quick afternoon passes. After doing that for too long I ran across B&B and I really enjoy wet shaving.
When I first started shaving, I believe it was about 1964-65, I only had to shave 1 time a week. I shaved before going to the Friday night dance at the Boy's Club. My father used an electric razor and I do remember trying it a couple of times and not liking it at all. From what I can recall I had some type of injector razor that had a type of band blade. What I mean is when one blade got dull you just turned this lever around 1 time and a new shaving edge was brought around. Perhaps some of our members who read this might recall such a razor?

All I had was some long whiskers on my chin that needed this once a week ritual, but hey, I was shaving and going out to the dance. From 1965-66 was my senior year in high school, and this shave routine continued until I went into the Air Force in the summer of 1966. I do remember my T.I. asking me if I shaved that day and I told him no, that I only had to shave once a week. Any military vets can relate to what he said to me, and I was then shaving every day. I know it was with a Gillette DE because they made us all buy the same razor.

I do know that after basic and tech school I ditched the DE and used cartridge razors from then on. In fact I used them right up until early last year when I got into DE shaving. I joined B&B a few months after I started DE shaving.

I get excellent DE shaves, and I do enjoy DE shaving, but now I'm working on straights, and its almost like when I started DE shaving all over again.


Paul :thumbup1:
I'm with Moe.

Started with DE, went to disposables (and occasional electric), then back to DE, then SE, now straight.

This might be the third option but I don't really understand the options and how they might apply to my situation.
Started with wetshaving, somehow evolved into canned goo and carts in military service, and switched back to wetshaving.

Same here! Started with Pappy's Fat Boy (way too much razor for a 15 year old!) Used an old Injector that belonged to my Grandfather for a while, and then switched to Trac II while in the army. Hated shaving, got terrible results, and finally grew a beard which I wore for 20 years until it turned grey. Used Atra, Mach 3, Electrics, Quattro and canned goo.

I stumbled on an article about classic wetshaving in a magazine, hit a few websites and read a few blogs. I could not believe what an improvement there could be by just taking up a brush and soap instead of goo! I found a Knack and a Superspeed in an antique shop and the rest is history.

I will never again stray from the absolute pleasure that a quality shave gives me! :thumbup1:
From what I can recall I had some type of injector razor that had a type of band blade. What I mean is when one blade got dull you just turned this lever around 1 time and a new shaving edge was brought around. Perhaps some of our members who read this might recall such a razor?

That would be a Gillette Techmatic or the Schick clone, the Autoband.

I bought one "back in the day", shaved with it for a week and went straight back to my Injector. No sir, I didn't like it!!
Used the Trac II and Sensor units. The carts used to be sharp, but seemed to dull down quick with an increase in price everytime a new gimmick came out from P&G. Got fed up with it and went DE/SE, never looked back.
I started with a DE back in the late 60's using a old Gillette that was at the house that my mother gave me. I entered into the military and they issued us twin blade cartriges and canned goo....after I got out I recieved a high end electric and used that for years. Two years ago I needed a new electric and wasn't satisfied with the Braun that I had used for years and stumbled across this site............well I now own 10 DE razors, several brushes, countless soaps and creams.....well you get the idea! I now enjoy the "my time" while shaving and feel the results are well worth it! Thanks again to all the guys at B&B for bringing me back to where it started!
Depends on how loosely you define traditional. I learned with a DE razor in the early 70s, but was using canned cream. Switched to cartridges eventually. Only knew about traditional lathering with a soap and brush in the vaguest way, until I started doing it last year, just before I switched back to DE.

The more I think about it, the less sure I am about when I switched to which cartridge razor. I'm pretty sure I was using Trac II for a while, but Atra is the only one I remember clearly. The older of my two Atra handles has a 1985 (2 F) date code, but I'm sure I must have switched to cartridges well before then.

[Addition] I guess the reason I have trouble remembering details about my cartridge razors is that shaving with them and canned cream was just a chore. It's absolutely amazing how much I enjoy it now.
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I started shaving with a DE and canned foam. Started using a cartridge razor either in college or about the time I went in the army. Later I switched to electric for many years. I switched back to DE shaving a couple of years ago when my electric razor quit. Now I am learning to shave with a straight.

I started shaving sixty years ago and I never really stopped. Except, for a few months when I tried an electric
razor and couple of weeks with a cartridge razor. I didn't like either of those razors. While in the army I used a
Gillette razor and I have been using one ever since.
Well, it seems most people have the same story here, or at least that most people are apprx the same age, 40-50+:001_smile

Here's my humble story:
I started shaving a couple of months ago. I had little, if any knowledge about shaving then. I just took a few of my dad's disposable gillettes on my dry face. Then I used canned foam/goo/gørr(norwegian word, pronounced: gorr except with the "earl" vocal sound:thumbup1:) with the disposable. I came across this site in December last year, and ordered my first TWS kit a few days later. So in 50 years I can say that I started my traditional wet shaving career at the start of my overall shaving career: TWSed all my life.. That'll be a cool day! First traditional wet shave: 4th of January 2010:thumbup:
Being only 27 and not growing up with the safety razor era, I started with an electric, moved to canned goo and a cartridge and then finally discovered the wonders of TWS.. And haven't looked back since. !


B&B's Man in Italy
My shaving experience started several years ago.
At that time the only tools in my hands were a cartridge or disposable razor and a shaving foam or gel in a can.
I had absolutely no experience, no knowledge and no tecnique.
Obviously I never got a decent shave.
Every time shaving was a chore.
But one day I decided that things had to change.
I wanted a good shave.
I was helped by a master barber from the old school, with 40 years of experience.
He gave me a DE razor, a brush and a cream.
He gave me what I really needed.
He gave me the basic principles of wet shaving.
I improved step by step and day by day.
Thanks to my teacher.
Now I am a satisfied and proud wet shaver.
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