Was it that old Gillette's and Gems, came in Brass,?? Gold and silver color's ??
Brass for cheaper ? , I guess because that is what they were made of. and then more for the added on fancier finishes ?
The gardener bought Brass .
and the Man of the manor house bought Gold .
The Gillette NEW was introduced during a time of great financial distress in our country - the Great Depression - which makes the recent recession pale by comparison!
The "entry-level" NEW was the Goodwill. It was produced from leftover Old-Type parts, and was given a thin gold wash. It was given away "free" with the purchase of the new-style Gillette blades.
The NEW standard was sold at a low price, and it also featured a thin gold wash.
The top of the line NEW Deluxe series was plated, but was only produced in limited quantities and are hard to come by today. During the Depression, not too many people spent a week's pay on such a luxury!
Most NEW and Goodwill razors that have survived to the year 2010 have long since had their thin gold wash go down the drain. The top cap was copper, with the handle and base plate made from two different brass alloys. Often times you will see the "rare" tri-color razor or beautiful "copper top" models sold on eBay . . .
Much harder to find is the Goodwill or NEW with all its gold wash intact . . . but they are out there and can be found. (I've got a couple myself! )