I have been having a real hard time honing this Diamond razor up to the level I want it at. I started from the begining, the bevel. I made sure i was able to pop hair off all along the bevel at 1200 grit. From there i went to my Coti and a started on the blue side with a good slurry. Once I saw the scratches going away i lightened the slurry until it was just water. Then i moved to the yellow side and did the same, got a slurry going and worked my way up to water. I able to remove arm hair easily but not the HHT. I get like a violin playing motion and I know it can do the HHT because it did when I bought it from Phil from classicedge.ca. I know there is a slight smile in the razor, so i have been doing the wavy strokes.I get sometimes a high pitch screech noise when I work the heel. Any reason why? Could it be that the type of metal used is a little bit more stubborn than others? I started with this razor because it is my least expensive razor and wanted to learn on this before i move to my Dorko, Kropp or Torrey where I value them a lot. Rather learn and mess up the Diamond before moving on. Here is a pick of the razor,

Any idea on where to go from here?

Any idea on where to go from here?