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Devout chilliheads

So how many of you class yourself in this group, im not talking about your quick curry down the local no im on about your nutjob that can take these superhot chilli sauces neat folk like me for instance. :lol:

My current favourite is blairs ultra death not only is it hot it actually has flavour a nice deep smoky one and it can bring most big men to their knees.

My next one will probably be biohazard 6.4 million extract that should be interesting.

My family never go near anything i've cooked up experience has taught them they would be taking their life into their own hands. :lol:


Wanting for wisdom
I love heat. I usually only dose up my own meal though . . . sit quietly with nose running, eyes watering, head glowing an almost incandescent shade of red.

Nice as these sauces are, they are a bit limited in what you can do with them as they have a fixed flavour.

For best flexibility use actual chilies themselves in your cooking.

Try some Scotch Bonnets/habaneros or naga morich/naga joloka :001_smile

Have fun !

Best regards

I would consider myself a chillihead as well, but I too am more into using fresh and dried chillis and not just extreme hot sauces.
However, I did sit down last night at our local bar to a big thing of Atomic Nuclear wings and enjoyed every minute of the nose running, what did I get my self into, I am going to suffer tomorrow wings.
These are the ones that are my favorites.http://www.huyfong.com/no_frames/product.htm

Sriracha is good on anything you can eat! It would make cookies taste better!


Rooster sauce!:thumbup1:
Sorry Huxley but that sort of scoville machismo does nothing for me, those types of sauces are basically a marketing gimmick and have very little to with flavour.


If you actually cannot share the food what is the point?

Maybe i don't like to share my food. :wink2:

Not a question of machismo such things don't interest me i just have a very high tolerance for chilli these super hot sauces do have flavour if you can get past all the heat, im rather enjoying habanero and red savina, i've had dorset naga and that was just pure heat to me very little in the way of flavour.

Dizzy - sriracha is currently one of my favourites never tried the ginger one but i do enjoy the one with extra garlic, i do want to try one of blairs berserker sauces they look lovely, i've just had his death rain cajun crisps i really loved them quite a kick too hard to find over here so pricy.

Has anyone tried those pain is good sauces now those i like the look of.
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sriracha is currently one of my favourites never tried the ginger one but i do enjoy the one with extra garlic, i do want to try one of blairs berserker sauces they look lovely, i've just had his death rain cajun crisps i really loved them quite a kick too hard to find over here so pricy.

I'm not a huge fan of EXTREME hot sauces...can't get past the heat of them.

Sriracha is an every day kind of sauce for me. The ginger variety is....similar, but a whole different beast. The sweet from the ginger rounds out the sauce in a weird way on my taste buds. I don't care for ginger though :tongue_sm

Death Rain Cajun Crisps sound delicious. :thumbup1:
I'm there, though a bit less so than in the past. Love making a batch of chili with some Habaneros and some lesser chiles as well. I've done a bit of dabbling in extract sauces, there's one that's made local to me, Montezuma's Ultimate Revenge, which I really like. It's about 2 million scoville and has a nice smoky green flavor that works nicely with a lot of dishes. I'm also a fan of "Indian Hot" Indian food when I can find it and they make it right.
... Has anyone tried those pain is good sauces now those i like the look of...

The Pain is Good varieties I've tried are pretty decent -- nothing to write home about, but better than many. The best (most unique) one was the green jalapeno - Wasabi oriented one, was definitely different than the usual chile-based sauce.

I have all sorts of hot sauces (literally an entire cabinet-full, probably 30+) everything from low heat stuff like Tabasco and "Rooster" sauce, to a couple of "food additive" grade capsacin extracts. (Which I keep for the novelty, I have no intention of using them. 2 Million plus Scovilles is personal-defense pepperspray, not food!)

My favorites include Orange Krush, Magma, Trader Joe's Hot Sauce (not very hot, but great flavor), Rooster sauce, Marie Sharp's, Jolokia, Dave's Insanity and Category 5. And of course, the old classic: Tabasco.
anybody here a member over at The Hot Pepper?

but anyways this is what i have growing sofar


orange habs super chili
chocolate 7 pot (douglah)

and heres for hoping more germinate
I live in the town where they host Zest Fest and the Fiery Food Challenge every year. I grew up eating New Mexican style food. Yeah I like spice, but the older I get, the less I can handle it :(.

The Pain is Good varieties I've tried are pretty decent -- nothing to write home about, but better than many. The best (most unique) one was the green jalapeno - Wasabi oriented one, was definitely different than the usual chile-based sauce.

My favorites include Orange Krush, Magma, Trader Joe's Hot Sauce (not very hot, but great flavor), Rooster sauce, Marie Sharp's, Jolokia, Dave's Insanity and Category 5. And of course, the old classic: Tabasco.

Im not mad on daves sauces bit of an odd taste to me i could do with a nice and hot bbq sauce im sure the site i order from

Ah here we go.


Im a sucker for nice bbq sauces as well, something nice and smoky with a hint of sweetness, so far only one has been what i call a good bbq sauce trouble is it's hard to find then again the best sauces usually are.

I really enjoyed those blairs death rain cajun crisps lovely and spicy remind me of the really ruthless crisps we used to have years ago.

Over here the sriracha aka rooster sauce is known as the flying goose of all things. :tongue_sm

Ah here we go.

The people on the B&B chat will tell you how much I love **** sauce.

Then again, I've only met 1 Vietnamese guy who didn't haha.
I recently had some salt that was flavored with ghost chili. It was hot enough that sprinkling it on some food (as a finishing salt) could numb the lips and tongue.
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