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Destroyed my Parker today. Need a new DE. Any suggestions?

Well as you can see I'm a newbie and I guess I proved it today. I purchased this Parker? when I got into DE a couple of months ago and it has worked well for me. This morning, I was tinkering with it thinking that it's a 3-pc and I managed to twist the head off the handle! I put it back together and shaved but it's loose now and I need to get another one... actually was itching for another one anyway so maybe I subconsciously destroyed it!

In any case, I know this particular DE is made by Parker for classicshaving.com but I think it's just a Vintage 90R just looking at the pictures of the head.

It has been a good razor for me, especially paired with Astra SP blade.

I'm looking for something in the same ballpark as far as mildness. Nothing aggressive because I shave every morning and so the last thing I want is a blood bath prior to getting dressed. Additionally, I'm on blood thinners so it takes some time to heal.

I know many of you would say go vintage (i.e. Superspeed or Tech) but with all due respect, I like new and price is not so much a consideration as build quality, feel, looks, and forgiveness.

I've read about the EJ DE89, Merkur 34C, Feather AS-D1, and Muhle R89. All look great but then again I am new to DE so your opinions (specifically about mildness and quality) would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not looking for a cheap razor as I plan for this to be my only one so I want something with quality that will last. Thanks for your feedback.
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The DE89 and 34C are both nice razors although you'll hear several people say they're not up to the standards of the old brass razors of yesteryear. Most people though don't have any problems with them. I think the 34c is supposed to just slightly edge the DE89 in terms of being more aggressive though both are considered pretty mild. <br><br>I don't own any but you will hear people suggest the stainless steel razors. I can say they look nice and most are considered mild and durable so that might be an avenue to check out. My concern with that is if it's not what you want you'll then have to sell it to get some money back. I think the Traders look nice but are too mild for my taste. I've been using a Merkur 11C some lately ans it's considered a milder open comb but I can get a great shave from it and I'm a daily Cadet or R41 user.
I gathered that the 34C was least mild (or most aggressive) of the mild shavers. Any thoughts on the Feather? I know it's nearly $200 and is built like a Rolls Royce but is it truly $160 better than the EJ? Any thoughts on the Muhle R89? It's a very nice looking piece but what about the shave?
Counter to your assumption about "aggressive" razors, I suggest you explore an open comb, particularly the Cadets. After learning DE shaving with a Merkur 180 I decided to see what all the OC fuss was about, did some research, and found that the Shaveabuck Cadet OCs were getting rave reviews and offered what appeared to be the highest value for the money -- ratings of performance up there with some of the best, but only $20. It's been a revelation to me: while the blade is definitely more exposed, because of the design of the head, you have a much clearer, more distinct sense of the blade on your skin, of the angle, and how it's performing as you shave. I feel I'm getting much more and clearer sensation feedback while I'm shaving, and thus am more aware of how I'm doing, and thus shave much better. More "aggressive" isn't the right description for open combs, simply more blade exposure. I'm getting much closer, smoother, more comfortable shaves, with less irritation and nicks than with the closed combs. I find this to be a not uncommon experience. For $20 it's worth the experiment.
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I've been using a cadet OC for a few months now and it has become my main razor to use. I get a lot closer shave with less irritation. Just pick a handle you like and give it a try.
I know many of you would say go vintage (i.e. Superspeed or Tech) but with all due respect, I like new and price is not so much a consideration as build quality, feel, looks, and forgiveness.

I'm not looking for a cheap razor as I plan for this to be my only one so I want something with quality that will last. Thanks for your feedback.

With all due respect, I think you'll find the build quality, feel, looks, forgiveness and something that will last a long time more in a good condition Superspeed, Tech or Slim than you will with a pot-metal modern take on the classics.
Nothing you can find that is made today for the most part, short of some stainless razors is going to be built to the old standards. Just the way it is...
The Stainless Steel razors are great, but it will probably take you a while to find the right one. I Afwould probably go with a Progress or Futur to find out what you really want in a razor. Then if you want a Stainless Steel razor you will know what you are looking for. It will still probably take you several tries. (I'm on my 3rd try, trying to find a SS razor that matches my Progress and Futur on 3. A Progress and/or Futur would probably last a life time if you don't have RAD.
Well, I ordered an EJ DE89 with the lined chrome handle. I read and saw many excellent reviews and for the price at only $40, it's not much of an investment. I figured I can try it out and see. If that fails, then I'll probably pull the trigger on the Feather AS-D1 and call it a day. I should get it today so I'll give it a go tomorrow morning. Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions.
The EJ 89 is much milder than the 34C. If you're dedicated to using a new razor, the EJ might suit you well. The Feather ASD-2 should also be very mild. The build quality of the vintage Gillettes is second to none. There's a reason they have survived for so many years.
With all due respect, I think you'll find the build quality, feel, looks, forgiveness and something that will last a long time more in a good condition Superspeed, Tech or Slim than you will with a pot-metal modern take on the classics.

Nothing you can find that is made today for the most part, short of some stainless razors is going to be built to the old standards. Just the way it is...

What they said. :thumbup1: If a razor has survived long enough to get to you in (relatively) good condition, and is still functional and beautiful, it's a testament to the build quality of yesteryear. I may be wrong, but somehow, when I see a shiny new razor, I can't help but think all that spit and polish is just going to peel of after just a few decades.
I'm not looking for a cheap razor as I plan for this to be my only one so I want something with quality that will last.
My recommendation:
$Feather AS-D1.jpg
If you fell a need to expand your possibilities you can buy Ikon heads (OC and OSS, beware of the agressive SB!). This will settle you for the rest of your life!
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