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Derbys yay or nay?

How long do these blades usually last for you guys? I swapped my Derby blade out because it was tugging bad today and cut me 4 times on just one side of my face... swapped it out for a Shark blade sample I had and no cuts the rest of shave.... Ouch!
I have yet to have a great shave with a derby, though I have had a couple of passable shaves with them. If anyone wants some, I have thirty six.
I think you answered your own question with...

swapped it out for a Shark blade sample I had and no cuts the rest of shave.... Ouch!

...and what do you need ouch for?

Btw I get 3-5 shaves out of a derby. I actually think very highly of it, esp for beginners.

Derbys are evil if you have a tough beard. If you have baby fine hair, or a shavette, they might be okay. Otherwise, forget it. YMMV. But seriously. They were my first blade. I threw them out.

:a51: << Derby
Yay. I've used lots of Derbies and they're a good blade. That said, do follow conventional wisdom and get a sample pack with a half dozen or more of the mainstream blades represented so you get a good selection.
2 shaves, sometimes 3...depending on the number of days in between each shave. I haven't used them in a while, doubtful I would go back.
I like 'em. Not great but good. I still have a few that I throw into rotation to use up. cut good, last like 4 days. rougher than my crystals and not as close a shave. its a midweek blade
Darn, I really like the shark blade.. maybe from now one or two uses then toss the derby... I don't think it can take 3-4 shaves.
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