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Derby with square corners...

I installed a fresh blade in my 34G, since I just arrived home late last night from a week of business travel. Travel kit is an old Atra loaded with a Merkur MII cartridge blade, a Truefitt & Hill badger travel brush and Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood shave stick.

Fortunately I remembered blade buffing from the Mantic video, it was the only way to get a decent shave, but on to the issue at hand. I showered, prepped with Proraso Preshave, Merkur Vision silvertip w/Tabac soap. So starting off as I bring the razor to my neck I feel that feeling that I just cut myself. I then notice every stroke I am feeling it, of course there is a string of weepers forming on my neck:eek:

So I take a closer look at the razor and sure enough two of the four corners of the blade are square:mad: It seems Derby some how missed grinding a radius on two of the corners, they are literally square:confused:

I changed blades and continued to get a BBS, but not after enjoying the burn of an Alum block, some Pre de Provence ASB and some Aqua Velva to repetively remind me of the quality issue that surprised me in a bad way.

Any of you guys ever get a blade that was square? Is this a regular thing? Going forward I will scutinize the blade being installed much better. Only DE shaving for a few months now it's a new one on me, literally.
Never happened to me, but I'm a newbie.

I always inspect blades very carefully when I put them into the razor, though. I'm obsessive about making sure it gets in correctly, has the same gap on both sides, etc., etc.
I guess that's the one that got away...

Were there other square blades in the pack by any chance, or was that the only one?

It's the first one I've come across in the four packs I've used thus far. As to inspecting, I always align the blade since my *** Merkur 34G's blade clamp is not square, meaning the two edges that are above the blade are on an angle. Measuring across either end of the clamp, one end is .023" smaller than the other end. So I always have to work the blade a little while tightening the clamp screw.

The other factor is I am at the point were I need bi-focals, so I will be installing blades from now on without my glasses.
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