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Derby Blade Experience

After using Personna and Wilkinson Swords for a number of weeks I decided to use the one remaining Derby blade in my EJ razor last night , after growing a two day scruff. One pass and I stopped and then finished my shave with a WS blade.

I had originally liked the Derbys when I didn't know better ( I must have compensated with a very light touch) but now find them terribly blunt and difficult to run through coarser portions of my beard.

Does anyone find this to be a similar experience with this blade ? Anyone actually like Derby blades ?
I personally think the derby blades are not that bad. The work well for me but there not my favorite I like Lord Platnium blades more than Derby blades. Yet another Large case of YMMV.
I had a similar experience. The first round with them was okay, not so good when I revisited them. There'll be no third time, way too many other good blades out there.
They've been my go-to blade for the last four years. Once in a while I get a bad blade, or even a bad 5-pack, but, on the whole, I find them to be reliable and effective.
First time unused a derby I made it half way through my first pass and Noped The **** out of them real quick! Threw them away and finished with an Astra... I do not like Derby Blades...
After using Personna and Wilkinson Swords for a number of weeks I decided to use the one remaining Derby blade in my EJ razor last night , after growing a two day scruff. One pass and I stopped and then finished my shave with a WS blade.

I had originally liked the Derbys when I didn't know better ( I must have compensated with a very light touch) but now find them terribly blunt and difficult to run through coarser portions of my beard.

Does anyone find this to be a similar experience with this blade ? Anyone actually like Derby blades ?

No two faces are alike. I like derbys. don't love'em but like'em. I use mainly crystals. My brother gave me 30 derbys with my first de a while back. I still have a few left and will use them. I now know how to apply the extra pressure compared to my crystals on bbs shaves. especially on my lighter merkur classic. I use crytals in my ej de 89 barley chrome. should be the other way around as the extra weight of the ej would be better for the derby but whatever. I enjoy the extra care & technique needed with the lighter and smaller razr that is the merkur.
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I think bad news (ie, the popular "i hate Derbys" style posts) seems to find its way to the board more than positive experiences with Derbys. I have over 6000 blades and have tried many of the blades discussed on this board. I like Derbys, and they are very good blades for me. I have several hundred of the vertical packs, and I have been using them since approx. March 2009. For context, i also enjoy Treet Rainbow, Sharks (both versions), Gillette Blue Extra (NOS), Super Iridiums (2010 version), assorted NOS blades, and many others. I hate Red IPs. Feathers are okay, but they seem to give me micro weepers (at this point I have my technique down -- please dont bother telling me I am shaving wrong). i also have tried about 40+ razors. Red Tip, Chatsworth (Muhle head version), Cooncat Bob bulldog handle and replated "New" head, and long handled Progress are my favorites. Point is, Derbys are very good blades for some of us ... That is all. Happy shaving. Chop!
Derbies have been my daily blade for about two years now and I've found that they work great. That said, I'm down to my last 25 or so and am burning them up in a Slant razor and don't plan to buy any more. My next bulk buy will probably be Astras.
I had a similar experience to you. I started on Derby's and recently went back to them. I couldn't get through the second pass. Now I use Merkur, which I find work the best for me.
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