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dense brush drying

I have a shavemac D01 25x50 knot that is nice and dense. However, I have noticed that it dries very slowly. For example if I use it one evening the next day it is still wet and smells kind of funky (the smell goes away after it is dry 2 days later). I also suspect that this slow drying (maybe it is rotted or something) causes it to loose a few hairs every time I use it. It was fine for 2 month but now it looses hair. Anybody have similar issues or piece of advise?
Dense brushes are harder to clean thoroughly and dry. You have to make a concerted effort to get the soap out of the knot after use. It will take some diligence, time, and water to do this. I also wash my brushes with shampoo thoroughly every month or two, but to each his own. Drying, yeah - it's going to take a couple days. I do my best not to use my favorite brushes until they're fully dry. That's at least a four brush rotation in my case.
In the winter and cooler months i have put my denser brushes on top of the heating ducts for an hour or two to help it dry quicker and have had no issues. i do not see the heat being overly warm and have noticed no ill effects. Just a suggestion and, of course, you would have to determine if that would be something you would be comfortable doing. The two to three day rotation would also be a good option. Good luck.
Picking up a cheap stand so that your brush can hang might help, but opinion seems divided over that. I think that hanging probably does help get a bit more moisture out of the deeper parts of the knot. I've just ordered a stand for myself, so I might be able to say first hand whether it makes any difference.

The microfiber towel is a good idea to help increase drying time.
If your brush is funky ,you should really give it a good cleaning,and then hang upside down for 4 days or more to really dry it out.Some say the upside down bit doesn't help,but I see it as a "gravity pull" situation,and it certainly can't hurt. Rudy Vey states that the main source of knot rot is not entirely from trapped moisture,but more of trapped soap scum ,deep down in the knot. After shaving the brush should be thoroughly rinsed,of course,and then rinsed again by immersing the entire brush,knot first into a cup or mug of running water,so that the motion of plunging downwards gently forces clean fresh water deep into the knot.An occasional gentle cleaning with ship-shape,or with a few drops of Dawn dish liquid will dissolve soap scum. A nice bath in Mar-V-Cide is great for microbes.Again,you want to bob the entire brush up and down in the Marvy,get it deep into the knot,shake it out,and then insert the top 3/4 of the knot into the solution to soak.Rinsing the entire brush is not detrimental to the handle or knot,but long soaks will crack the handle,just soaking 3/4 of the knot avoids this problem.A clean,sanitary brush should not have a nasty odor,and your face will be happier as well.
My Chubby 2 and 3 take two to three days to dry completely. I let them hang upside down the first day and then they stand upright. I've never had any issues with a funky smell.
I have a 24/55 FS silvertip and after use I give it a good rinse with clean water, squeeze the water out with my hand, then give it a squeeze and strop with a towel and its easily dry by the next day.
Try to use a lint free towel or cloth otherwise you will get lint in your favourite soap ;-)
Hello, how many brushes do you have !!! do you shave every day. If you shave every day and have 7 or more brushes, this will give your 1st & 7th brush time too dry out in rotation.

I too like you own dense brushes: Chubby,D01,Rooney, & Theirs-Issard all require a minimum of 3 days, one tip a member stated was he brushed over a dry towel after use works.

Charles U.K
Apparently, one guy did an experiment and weighted his brush during the drying process- using both the "upside" and the "downside" way. Made no difference. The brush dried equally fast both ways. Does anybody also recall and could post a link to the thread plaese..? (For the Simpsons fans- the handles were not designed to be hanged upside down according to Gary Young).
...and then rinsed again by immersing the entire brush,knot first into a cup or mug of running water,so that the motion of plunging downwards gently forces clean fresh water deep into the knot.

I started doing this recently after the purchase of 2 Thater brushes and reading the Thater instructions stating that dried soap in the knot is a major cause of hair loss. I notice that cream/soap buildup is more obvious on my Thaters so after the shave I now put all my brushes back in my mug with running water for 30 seconds or so. Since I only shave every other day and rotate brushes, they have plenty of time to dry between uses. I also wash my face beforehand with a Neutrogena facial bar and find that this glycerin soap is also good for cleaning a brush.
I'll go along with the multi brush rotation. I have a 5 brush rotation, so there's plenty of drying time between shaves.

I give each brush a good rinse, first in hot/warm water, then cold. Then I give it a few good flicks and paint it up and down lightly on a towel before hanging it on a brush holder to air dry. I've never had any problems at all doing this.
I think it is important to rinse and dry brushes after each use, but IMHO people seem to make too much out of it. I don't get the part about having to wait for a brush to dry before using it again. I have routinely used damp brushes and have not yet caused any structural defects.

Just, rinse in warm/hot water while squeezing the knot until no more soap bubbles emerge. Blotting on a towel is something I consider optional, but I usually do it.
Having dense brushes, particularly with hard water means you need to make more effort to clean the brush after use.

Here is what I do:

Rinse brush throughly under running water to remove obvious soap
Soak brush in mug for a few minutes while cleaning up
Rinse brush again under running water
Gently squeeze in between towel
Leave to air dry for at least 2 days before using again

Its of course a little extra work, but nearly all my brushes are very dense and its how I keep them in tip top shape. With this routine I haven't had to do a serious soap/vinegar cleaning in many many months
I'm a multiple brush owner rookie, and shave 4 times a week. 8 months ago I had 2-3 brushes.

I decided to get a few extra brushes in order to let my shaving brush du jour dry completely.

I will soon own 40-42 badger brushes, and I appreciate the advice giving in this thread :thumbup:
Gents, thank you for all of the good tips. I have 5 brushes and shave 3 times a week, I rotate the brushes and let them dry before use. Generally I rinse the brush thoroughly, shake excess water and swipe it a few times on towel. I have noticed that D01 knot tends to stick/clamp together which impedes proper drying. I have cleaned the brush in mild dish soap solution which took care of the funk. Also, after thorough rinsing I now manually fluff (spread around) the bristles which prevents the clamping and facilitates full bloom and proper drying.
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