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Dennis Hopper Dead at 74

God Speed.

He's gone to that big ride in the sky.

Sad. Big fan here, too. I do not like this dying stuff, although it is kind of amazing how long some folks live given their live styles and substance consumption.
Coincidentally, I just watched Red Rock West last night where DH essentially reprised his Blue Velvet role. None the less, it was an extremely well-played part and helped make it a great, if little-known, movie. I recommend it as a fitting remembrance.
Yeah, old Dennis put the quirky in quirky characters. For a more method role, check out his portayal of the young son of a crooked gunsmith in the Sons of Katie Elder. He was a scared kid in the movie and his screen dad was a real heavy. A back shooter. Hopper was thirty years old but looked like he was in his late teens or early twenties. A shame so many of these actors got into the whole drug scene. It has claimed so many. I think Hopper was plagued with prostate cancer that was untreatable but still. He is sort of extra famous here in Kansas because he was born in Dodge City.

Regards, Todd
Celebrity deaths, for the most part, don't really affect me. There aren't many of them left worth caring for. Dennis Hopper was definitely one of the few remaining greats. I'm genuinely saddened by the news.

R.I.P. Dennis.
Art Linkletter, Gary Coleman, Dennis Hopper.

The obituaries of those famous in my younger days are starting to become like mileposts that remind me that this road doesn't go on forever.

Enjoy every sandwich, indeed.
Wow, Hopper was one of the greats. Always a great presence on film and there will never be anyone like him.

For a somewhat obscure move I loved him in, try River's Edge. Criminally underrated little movie and Hopper turns in a great performance.
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