I know many here use small Rooney's and boar bristle brushes because they excel with hard soaps and face lathering.
Are there any brushes that work particularly well with creams?
I am interested in getting a dedicated cream brush.
The 2006 B&B Brush may be the finest "cream dedicated" brush I have ever used. Being primarily a soap user, I probably go a bit against the grain and even enjoy a huge Vulfix #41 with my Mitchell's Wool Fat. The point being is that IT would probably be considered as a "cream brush". I'd buy the B&B Brush 2006 model if I were only going to use creams.
Is that the brush I sold to you?
I used to call it my "Sunday" brush...and it loved Geo. F. Trumper Coconut Oil Shaving cream. SOLD in May of '07.
Here is was... http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showpost.php?p=235149&postcount=1