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Dedicated bevel setter

I am sure this has been discussed before, but after much searching I am still wondering what to get. I have been honing using the 3m films, but I have several eBay razors that I polished down and need to hone a fix some minor chips. I want to get a dedicated bevel setting stone. Is there a big difference between the naniwa super stones and the chosera as far a cutting speed? Or would I be better off with a diamond? I haven't seen any listed in the classifieds. I was thinking about a 325 dmt to use as a lapping plate and to fix damaged blades with, them a 1000k stone to set bevel. Then finish off with the film.
I use a 325/600 for rough blades then go to a chosera 1K. That works real well with the films. I tried the SS 1K and in comparison it is slower and much softer feeling.
+1 on the dmt 6 and 12. Low grit stones dish out if your doing a lot of honing. You could spend as much time lapping as honing if your trying to get out chips. A drop of dish soap and water. Nice and easy!
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DMT 325 for lapping, DMT 1200 for the lowest grit for a blade.
I'm not into restorations or Gold Dollar upgrades so I don't see the need for anything lower than 1200.
I am sure this has been discussed before, but after much searching I am still wondering what to get. I have been honing using the 3m films, but I have several eBay razors that I polished down and need to hone a fix some minor chips. I want to get a dedicated bevel setting stone. Is there a big difference between the naniwa super stones and the chosera as far a cutting speed? Or would I be better off with a diamond? I haven't seen any listed in the classifieds. I was thinking about a 325 dmt to use as a lapping plate and to fix damaged blades with, them a 1000k stone to set bevel. Then finish off with the film.

I'd get a Norton 1k/4k...
DMT 325 for lapping, DMT 1200 for the lowest grit for a blade.
I'm not into restorations or Gold Dollar upgrades so I don't see the need for anything lower than 1200.

You have something lower...the 325.

Never know when you may end up with a chip or something and need that lower grit. I think your choice to get the DMT 325 for a lapping plate as well as possibly chip removal tool, along with a 1k stone is a good choice.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
As long as you know what you are doing any lower grit stone should work well.
For me best is Chosera, IMO best feed back/speed combo of all the 1k stones out there.
I have tried them all and a bunch that most people have not heard of on top pf that.
Aren't almost all synths kind of dedicated to bevel setter, sharpening, polishing, finishing? I have heard of only a few synths that are supposedly able to move between stages, but otherwise am I missing something?
Bester 1200 ($50) is a great stone with terrific feedback and good cutting speed, but I never see mentioned ( it is much more popular in the j-knife community than I see in the razor arena, but I used it and love it still)... I don't think I'll ever buy a different stone in the 1-2K range, as I've had mine for over 3 years and sharpened thousands of times, it works well with every steel I've thrown at it, and it has 10+ years of life left.

for reference, I own: DMT XXC, XC & C -- Shapton Pro 220 -- Chosera 600 -- Bester 1200 -- Chosera 3000 -- Naniwa SS 5K -- Naniwa SS 10K
I dislike using diamond plates for establishing bevels.

Most of the time I use a natural stone to set the bevel but when I choose to use a synthetic, I like the 1k C, I also use the 800x C.
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