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Decent find?

I want to start collecting vintage DE razors but only looking for good deals of course. I found this old shick razor for $5 (locally) that i'm trying to get a hold of. Thoughts anyone? $Vintage Shick Razor.jpg


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
It's actually a Gillette, go get it. An early Red Tip Super Speed.
Buy it. Clean it, give it a polish with something mild, and if the tip matters to you, get some advice on the forum as to what paint you need to restore the color.
It's actually a Gillette, go get it. An early Red Tip Super Speed.

Thanks nemo for the correction! I honestly wasn't sure what manufacturer it was, the guy selling it said it was a Schick. Still learning from the best out there!! Much appreciated and it will be purchased. Thanks!!
Buy it. Clean it, give it a polish with something mild, and if the tip matters to you, get some advice on the forum as to what paint you need to restore the color.

Thanks for the advice. I will def paint it to get that full restoration look!


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I don't think that video applies to repainting the red tip, there are no numbers to fill in! Not sure what Alex is thinking.
I don't think that video applies to repainting the red tip, there are no numbers to fill in! Not sure what Alex is thinking.

I think Alex means just tape the bottom so when he goes repaints the tip, red doesn't get all over the handle. Less messy that way.
I don't think that video applies to repainting the red tip, there are no numbers to fill in! Not sure what Alex is thinking.

i painted mine like that but with a paint brush obviously...it was just an illustration on how to basically paint a razor in general.
Here is a nicely restored Red Tip done with Krylon International Harvester Red


re Video: When painting numbers, there is no need to tape up the handle like that and smear it all over the place. A micro brush is all that is needed and just use over the individual numbers, let sit and wipe off. Not sure what the guy in that video is doing.

why not use tape as a precaution? In do it all the time.
Here is a nicely restored Red Tip done with Krylon International Harvester Red


re Video: When painting numbers, there is no need to tape up the handle like that and smear it all over the place. A micro brush is all that is needed and just use over the individual numbers, let sit and wipe off. Not sure what the guy in that video is doing.

I've got two Red Tip SS a year apart (1 B and 1 C) while the paint on the C was about 90% intact the B was only slightly better than Seisxdm40's.
I found the Krylon IH red to be a little too red so I took a chance with the Krylon burgundy and found it to be a spot on match.
I can set my repainted B Red Tip side by side with the original painted C and colorwise you'd be hard pressed to determine what one was repainted.


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^ thanksCGW409. good to know about the 2 colours. luckily my Red Tip is 95% original and no need to touch it up at this point.
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