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Dead Pres


My elbows leak
Staff member
I've got one just like it that I use frequently on trips away from home as I don't bring my straights on the road.
Hi Brian,

I have one of those! Yep, bought the thing for $3 at a flea market. The doors work fine and the head has very little pitting, with all the plating intact. Heh, the handle though...actually yours looks a bit better than mine.

A while back I sent the Prez in for buffing, tune up, and replating and hope to receive it in a couple weeks. I had it plated in nickle, rather then the original rhodium. The collectable value goes out the window no matter what metal is used, and I just wanted a nice looking razor to shave with anyway.

Man, I wish I woulda taken a pic of mine before sending it out. We coulda compared sad looking razors. Heh, just think of yours as a butterfly still in the cocoon stage. It's not dead......it's just dormant. How's that?

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