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DE converts!

I posted a while back - the thought being I was going to introduce my 2 sons to DE razors, before they both went back to college. Well, I am pleased to say that they both (18 and 20) REALLY liked the razors!! They both said without exception that the shave was much better than the Gillette Mach3 and the price per blade is perfect for two college kids on a limited budget! I bought 2 each and gave them as b-day gifts this summer; a Gillette SS and a Gillette slim handled version of the fatboy. I was able to get all four with cases on eBay, for what I thought was OK money. I supplied them both with a pack of Derby and Feather blades. Told them both to go to CVS when they run out! :)
They have a semester to convert their dorm floor. Not sure what the prize will be - or how I'll be able to figure it all out, but it sure will set up nice for some laughs when they come home.
Everyone on this forum that wrote back to my original post - I appreciate the advice given.


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