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Daylight savings time

I normally go on a rant each year about how I loathe dst. Usually to Jim's great humour. I will spare all of you the diatribe this year but rest assured I am still dead against it. Mostly due to psychological effect of artificially getting dark at 9:00PM at high summer in cattle country. Iwill adjust the clocks...and live with it.

Cheers, Todd
I like my light at the end of the day.
The sun rising at 9:30 am would be ok with me.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
"We’re pretty sure daylight saving time is a prank pulled by a group of farmers in 1918 to punish city dwellers for gloating about their indoor toilets. The sinister effects of that prank will be felt again Sunday morning, when we will all shock our brains, bodies and souls by hauling ourselves out of bed an hour earlier.

Every March it's the same: a Twilight Zone-type situation where the clocks say it's 6 a.m. but we know — oh we know in our very bones — it’s still the middle of the night.

Fear not; there's hope. By carefully following these 15 steps, you might actually get back your lost 60 minutes".

Read More: http://now.msn.com/daylight-saving-time-how-to-get-that-hour-back

"We pay back the loan of an extra yawn in spring with the 'golden interest' of a lengthier snooze in the autumn". Sir Winston Churchill
Ohhhh, I hate losing an hour of sleep. But longer days with the sun still out, warmer weather and baseball makes up for it.:thumbup:
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Needs milk and a bidet!
I completely forgot!

thankfully i use my cell phone as an alarm and it changes automatically and woke me up.

i'm not thankful that my coffee pot said 4am and the auto brew don't start until 5am. :cursing: not only that I was totally confused for a few seconds.
Just watched a news program on the ill effects of DST.. The estimate of lost productivity is over a billion, due to people not adjusting well in the first few weeks of springing forward. A 2008 report in the New England Journal of Medicine even showed that the number of heart attacks were significantly increased in the three days following the time switch—what the study claimed was an effect of the disruption of those Circadian rhythms. And this isn't a little blip here; we're talking about a full 6-10 percent increase. Also car accidents increase .. I don't like the change as the kids in the area I work will be walking in the dark to school..
The first week is very painful for those of us that get up extra early on the regular. After that I adjust. It beats going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.
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