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Dating an Aristocrat Junior

In my recent travels I picked up what I have been told in this thread: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=124338 is an Aristocrat Junior.

How would I go about dating this razor?

I see razors identified and an number XX and so on, how (where do i go) do I find out what this one is?

It's quite a nice shaver, and with an astra in it, I get a nice shave, tried it with a feather however, much blood was the result!

any ideas?
Achim's web site, www.mr-razor.com, may be able to help you.

If not, I'm sure there will be others with more knowledge than I to assist!

I looked at the pictures - nice razor - I'll bet it is a great shave - looks very much like a US 1940 style Super Speed.
.......I picked up what I have been told ......is an Aristocrat Junior.

How would I go about dating this razor?.....

any ideas?

That should be easy. First, if you picked it up, you should already have it's phone number by now......:lol::lol::lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Yeppers, it's an Aristocrat Junior .

The Aristocrat Junior is a Brit Aristocrat so doesn't have any date codes.

It's an "early" model TTO because of the flat "non-siloed" head on it.

The closest these can be dated is via old advertisments etc so we know at least when they were available, but this could have been the beginning, middle or end of their production.

Haven't tried a Junior yet, but all the Brit Aristocrats are nice both to look at and to shave with.

Don't think the Jrs were Rhodium either..............

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i'm not 100% on that, however when I was looking up the patent code, all the razors (at least in the table i found) that had that code were rhodium plated heads.

Open to correction though!
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