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dating a UK NEW ?

This has probably been asked a thousand times but I can't seem to find a good source or link. I am working with a UK made Gillette NEW LC with a patent pending # of 133969. Is there a way to date this razor ? I know in theory it could form the 1930's-40 but there is no pat pend Jan. 1920 etc. like the US models have just a pat pending 133969. Thanks for any input !!! - Aaron
I think that must be 133963? If so it is probably 1929-1931, because the usual 1931 UK patents are missing: GB352975-77 and GB363892. These are marked out in various ways: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/322046 has a good summary that needs to get into the wiki someday.

If it really is 133969 not 133963, can you post a clear photo?

I would like to see a photo no matter what the patent number is. There are at least 3 different UK NEW LC variants. Plus, I like pics!
Thanks for the input gents !!! I was helping a friend in the UK date this NEW and I did not even have a photo to go by. That should have been my first request from him a up close photo as all he sent was a full view picture to me. It was indeed upon his further inspection 133963 NOT 133969 so I think mystery soled and I apologize for the troubles. BUT for your viewing pleasure here are some up close photo's I had him send this morning..

$gordon 2.jpg$Gordon 1.jpg
Agreed it is a beautiful razor !!! I wish I had it :drool: but I can't complain to much as I have the US version NEW same time frame mint condition no cracks or anything. The Chap it belongs to is a very good man and he deserves it ! I hope he has many a great shave with this beauty.
It just looks so right next to that pocket watch, like it belongs there. That's a picture you could blow up to 8x10 or even bigger, frame it up and put it in your shave den. It would be perfect.

The head on that razor is stunning. Is it the original finish?
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