Sometimes it's a little hard for me to justify a vintage purchase, even a minor one.
Ancient (?) dirty puck in a not-particularly clean pewter bowl:
The bowl cleaned up well. I put the puck back into it and gave the whole shooting match a year or two tocollect more dust elevate its mojo.
Today's comparison with recent vintage Williams Mug I think identifies the brand. Does anyone want to venture an opinion on the age? The the puck is shrunken and the scent has retreated well inside.
The underside is much more attractive. My google fu did not identify the pewter hallmark. Maybe AI knows by now.
The final test will be doing some comparison lathers and shaves, pitting it against the Williams I have in an OS mug. Unless it is a miserable failure, it will eventually live out its days grated into a shave stick.
Ancient (?) dirty puck in a not-particularly clean pewter bowl:
The bowl cleaned up well. I put the puck back into it and gave the whole shooting match a year or two to
Today's comparison with recent vintage Williams Mug I think identifies the brand. Does anyone want to venture an opinion on the age? The the puck is shrunken and the scent has retreated well inside.
The final test will be doing some comparison lathers and shaves, pitting it against the Williams I have in an OS mug. Unless it is a miserable failure, it will eventually live out its days grated into a shave stick.